Chapter 3

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It's been 2 months since the testing of Hatsume's 'baby' and Izuku wishes to never speak of it again.

Speaking of things Izuku never wants to be brought up again, Izuna's going to U.A entrance exam for the hero course... great, just..... excellent.

So now Izuku has to see her off.... perfect, just peachy...

Ignoring the stares, Izuku got out the limousine and opened the door for the spoiled princess. "Thank you, Satoshi-Kun~." Said Izuna, thinking she was charming, Izuku bit his tongue. "It is not a problem, young miss."

And with that she left, and so did the limousine. Sighing, Izuku looked up at the people still in awe. "I believe you all have an entrance exam to participate in?" Stated Izuku in a questioning tone, that snapped them out of their senses and they rushed into the school.



Izuku sat in silence while the other participants stared at his uniform. "Attention all." Called out a man with a large yellow helmet that Izuku thought kinda look like a T-rex head. "My name is Power Loader and I'll be your examiner."

"We have multiple different scraps here for you to build anything you want, points will be added via how impressive the invention, how long it took you to make it, and how helpful said invention is for any one hero of your choosing. Start now."

Many students rushed towards the scraps, hoping to find anything useful to them. 'Idiots.' Thought Izuku, standing in the back. 'Did they not hear the last part of Power Loader's speech? They're just grabbing what they can get.'

'Just think of a hero with an easy quirk to boost.' He thought it over a bit more, watching Hatsume make something akin to a jet pack while giggling to herself. 'A simple quirk...' He looked down at his hand, the index and middle finger sparked. 'That's it!'


"Time's up!" Shouted Power Loader over the noise of the examines, many stopped and looked up from their inventions, others panicked either internally or externally, maybe even both.

Izuku looked at his invention in silent joy, he heard Hatsume's cackle from across the room and felt a tingling in his spine. "Never again.." He said quietly.

"Examine 546." He looked over to Power Loader and a man in a black suit with a clipboard. "What is your invention?" Izuku stepped aside and showed them a black cube with elaborate markings. "What is it..?" Asked Power Loader in uncertainty. "Gauntlets." Izuku said simply. "What??"

"They're gauntlets. Here, let me show you." He picked up the cube with one hand and with the other he pulled it across his palm, the examiners watched in fascination as the cube broke down and moved where his off hand directed it. Seeing the cube cover the entirety of his inner hand, he flipped his hand over and pulled it onto his knuckles.

Once he was done the cube-now-gauntlet went up to his bicep, deciding to show off a bit he made and an open hand with his left and a fist with his right before punching his open hand, the examiners watched as the gauntlet moved in a wave-like motion and transferred to his left hand, leaving him with two gauntlets that went up to his forearms.

"Amazing... what can it do?" Ask Power Loader, many examines watched in interest. "It builds up electricity and releases it with a punch, I made them with the pro hero Death Arms in mind, I heard about an incident with a villain made of sludge that gave Death Arms a real hard time. With this, he'll be able to touch him with no problem, it'll pack one hell of a punch too." He finished, with a lame joke at the end for good measure.

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