Chapter 2

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Izuna was in pretty good mood, she had just come back from her five years of training and she's finally back in Japan! She was fricking pumped! She opened her car door and looked to her house. It was just as she remembered it.

Her father had come out the driver's seat and locked the car as her mother pulled gift bags out of the druck, an apology to Izuku for not being in his life for five years. Of course, not realizing that they had been out of his life since he was four.

Izuna's POV

Mom looked up and noticed a black haired boy with an irritated look on his face standing in front of the door to our house. "Excuse me, can I help you?"

The boy gave mom a blank look before seemingly realizing something. "Oh, I'm...... Satoshi.. Koga Satoshi."

"Well young Koga may I ask why you're here today?" Dad asked Koga-San, to which he responded with. "I'm here for my father, he works as the head butler and I plan to work with him." Oh sweat! A new butler, and he's handsome too!

He opened the door for us and we walked in. "Welcome back young mas- oh, I see you've returned from your trip." Mr. Koga, the head butler, said with noticeably less enthusiasm than before.

"Thank you, Tsutomu. By the way, you never told me you had a son." Mr. Koga looked at dad confused before seeing his son waving at him. He looked shocked before a warm smile graced his face. "Ah, well, I was never one to mix family into my work." Mr. Koga replied, quickly relieving us of our jackets. "And those?"

"Oh, right. Could you bring these up to Izuku's room? They're all for him." Said mom, offering the bags to the butler. "I'll do it." The youngest Koga replied quickly, taking the bags and leaving. Before he could though, Mr. Koga grabbed his son by the shoulder and whispered something in his ear, the boy nodded and took off, again, and for real this time.


Third person POV

"I am not wearing this." Izuku looked at himself in the mirror. "I'm supposed to be 'Koga Satoshi, son of the head butler, Koga Tsutomu'! Not whatever this is!" Izuku yelled gesturing to himself, all dolled up and wearing a high-class maid uniform, the end of the dress stopping at his heels. Though if he were to lift it up, you'd see bright blue thigh-high stockings.

"Oh, but you look so amazing, young master!" One of the maids said joyfully, the other maids nodded in agreement. "I don't care if I look good, I'm supposed to go to them as Satoshi the butler!" The maids sighed while one of them gave him his actual uniform.

Izuku looked at his reflection in the mirror again, he turned and admired himself at a different angle. 'I actually don't look half ba- no, Izuku, stop right now.' He shook his head and started changing.


Izuna's POV

Satoshi-Kun came back after a while revealing himself to be in full uniform. He wore mostly black, with his pants and dress shoes being exactly that. The sleeves of His white dress shirt were pulled up to his forearm and his jet-black vest had blue roses imprinted into it, making it, his light blue tie, and the blue silk gloves the only things with colour in his entire outfit. They made the blue of his eyes pop.

"Satoshi-Kun~!" I yelled, waving him over. He stared at me for a couple seconds before deciding to walk over. "There's no need to shout."

"A-ah, sorry."

"It is quite alright, father has told me you've returned from America, I sure it's... quite loud over there." He said, staring at me intensely, I blushed.

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