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The setting sun ended the group's search efforts. Silent on the ride back to the cabin, Bisa sulked as Masara whispered.

"Why are you upset? You said you saw your mom walking towards the cabin."

With tears breaching her lids, Bisa's voice quivered through her reply. "Because she's still my mom, and she's out there, in the woods, alone with the mean Shadows."

"Aww, I know, kiddo, but keep your head up. Tomorrow will probably be the day she's going to be with you again."

Masara lifted Bisa's chin with her index finger, then kissed her downcast partner in crime on the forehead. The two cuddled, with Bisa failing to stifle her tears for more reasons than she cared to share, even with her new best friend. Amara kept her eyes on the road, but her mind steadfast on Greg. His humiliation boiling her blood with each rotation of her wheels. When she passed the clearing where she rendered his vehicle motionless, a part of her hoped he was still there so she could finish the job, this time, on him.

Much to her dismay, Greg's dented and shattered Porsche was still there, but he wasn't. She smirked as she sped past the car. Serves him right, she thought. And wherever he was, she hoped he was as broken as he had damaged her. Rounding the final bend of their journey, she stopped at the beginning of the cabin's driveway. Talia and Jason followed her lead.

"Hey, you okay?"

Jason had hopped out of his truck with Talia on his heels.

"Yeah." Amara gently closed the driver's side door so as not to disturb her snoring passengers.

Talia asked. "So, why'd you stop?"

"I don't know. I'm just not ready to go back inside, I guess."

"Jason, could you take the girls back up to the cabin? I'll stay with Amara."

"That's not necessary. Please go, both of you. Get some rest. I need to be alone."

After exchanging concerned glances with Talia, Jason asked. "You sure?"

"It's about the only thing I am sure of right now."

Talia sighed, pulled Amara in for a hug, then kissed her cheek.

"I love you, and I'm sorry he did this to you. I'm so sorry, I'm not even reveling in my joy of saying I told you so."

A single tear fell as Amara giggled, then replied. "I love you too, you egotistic boob."

Talia ducked inside the car, then slowly drove up the winding driveway. Hesitant to leave her behind, Jason stared at Amara before asking.

"Where are you going?"

Shrugging, Amara answered.

"Don't know, and right now, I don't care. I'll see you back at the house."

"I don't feel right leaving you out here like this."

"Well, I'll just walk away and leave you." She dropped her head, then began strolling back down the hill.

The darkness had never frightened her, and with the moon shying away behind clusters of clouds, Amara's Shadow sight kicked in, heightening with each step of her venture into the forest. Alone, she wept while struggling to maintain her human form. She yearned for the untamed existence shifting would bring, yet still attempted to convince herself that in her state of mind, becoming a Shadow would be dangerous for anything or anyone she may see.

Overcome with emotion, she paused to gather her thoughts. The moment her back touched the tree bark, she leaned into the physical pain of raw skin burning along her spine as she slid her exhausted body to the ground.

TALIA : ANGEL QUEEN (STORY ONE)Where stories live. Discover now