Chapter 10 : forgotten

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I layed on my bed late at night x was charging

I sighed and lifted my body up getting off of my bed going to the balcony as i put a cigar in my mouth why couldnt life be much easier fighting monsters while having other problems is not as easy as i thought i made x wash all of amitys memories about me telling her about the demon realm


Of us ever getting together

Life has gotten harder as i faced challenges with friends and many people around me i wish i never wiped her memories but it was for the best

For the best of us

So she wouldnt get hurt...

I got out of the balcony putting on my beanie and my usual purple stripped shirt with my green jacket and went off to school making sure x was charged

I walked in gus and willow approaching me

"Hey luz!" Willow smiled those two are like my best friends I couldn't ask for anything else

"Hey willow, hey gus!" I said with a poker face i usually don't smile anymore no matter how hard i try to fake one it would never work

"Hey luz, class starts in 2 minutes and i brought you a coffee" he handed it over i pat his head and muttered a slight thank you until we heard a door slam open and it was amity and her girlfriend boscha the bullies of the school

"Well if isnt the luzzzerss" boscha approached scowling at us i sighed not having time for this as i stood beside willow and gus crossed arms and my usual straight face

"Knock it off boscha why wont you just leave us alone!" Willow screeched in annoyance

"Because i hate bitches like you" she scowled slightly pushing willow and i have had enough of this bickering as i got infront of willow

"Enough." I replied staring daggers at boscha and the blight

"Control your fucking girlfriend blight" i scoweled grabbing both gus's and willows shoulders and pulling them away amity snarled

We walked into class sitting down until all of a sudden the lights went out students screaming and getting spooked

"Ugh looks like the lights went out quickly students to the gym" the teacher announced willow gus and i exchanging glances and running over with the rest to the gym the school was black and dark nobody cant see other then the flash lights many teachers were out seeing what yhe problem was until i heard a small scream near my direction nobody else heard it since everyone was talking and chatting so i quickly scattered away from gus and willow who were busy talking to the teachers and went off into the direction

And there i saw a demon like ghost holding boscha covering her mouth ready to consume her energy until i quickly grabbed a fire glyph slapping it into the ghosts head causing it to growl in anger and throw boscha across the room

"L-luz?!" Boscha squealed in suprise thank god she didnt notice me use the glyphs "just run!" I yelled at her  she scattered away as i had a broom in my hand the ghost pushing down on me until i saw my glyph gun and quickly grabbed it and shot it in the eyes causing it to cry out in pain i rolled over to the left of my side i quickly ducked when it tried to attack me and rammed my fist into the ghosts face

(Yea with the demon ghosts you are able to make physical contact)

I was caught off gaurd when i felt a kick to my back causing me to groan in pain it was another one

I quickly got up upper cutting the the ghost demon with my hand and shooting it in the back of its head with my glyph gun sucking the life out of it it vanished in thin air the other ghost grabbed me tightly but i quickly round house kicked it in the guts the ghost let go and i shot it in the head causing it to fade in thin air

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