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A request page!!, there are some important stuff I need to make clear before you request. So read these carefully because anything against these rules(?) will be ignored;

-no inc*st!! Probably one of my most important rule. The main three(and any others mentioned later on)in this book have a sibling bond in here.

-anything minor related has to be platonic!! The other most important rule in here. Same goes for sapnap since he had confessed before that he's uncomfy with being shipped with bad and sees him as family.

-updates will be slow!!(on both books)Maybe I'll have a small burst of energy and write some chapters but don't expect a lot.

-even though I'll be doing as much requests as I can there will be content from my own end!! Since this book was originally made for the soul reason of satisfying my needs for content that isn't really available that much.

-criticism is encouraged!! I already face some difficulties in English(grammar, spelling) so being able to know where I was wrong is super helpful.

-dms are always open for the people who don't want their names to be exposed in chapters!!

-relationships between other characters are acceptable(as long as they're appropriate enough)!!

-I can write all kinds of stuff except smut!! It will be written in a different book, any request here will be ignored

Woah that was a lot— but that should wrap it up for now!! I will add some more stuff in the future if needed. But for now go wild :].

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