A helping hand - royal AU

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Highly inspired by thevoidqueer s royalty fic, it was super cute go check it out and the rest of his stuff yes yes <33


     It was a normal day in the Halo castle, maids and butlers speed walking between the kitchen and the dining area. Breakfast time was probably the most important food break to the castles staff, it's also the only time where king Halo is present.

     While the castles head chef was finishing up his final touches, he noticed something missing, "people, where are the English muffins?" The head chef asked rather loudly, the kitchen was already packed and it would be hard to hear him even if you're standing only a few feet away from him.

      "Good god— CHEFS, have yo—"

      "They're right here sir!!"

   The head chef heard a familiar voice, Ranboo— prince Bads personal butler, even though Bad doesn't like to call him that— was standing behind him while Bad was next to him, wearing his little apron while holding a plate of fresh English muffins with a bunch of different flavors over his head.

     The head chef sighed in relief, taking the plate from the struggling baby prince, seeing how the plate itself looked too big for him. "Thank you, little prince" The head chef said, ruffling Bads hair slightly while the 2 just nodded and went to help someone else.

    Ranboo suddenly stopped, "oh god" he mumbled, getting down on one knee to Bads level, "Sir, I just remembered that I need to tell Tommy to cover the plants today because it will rain later, could you go help the maids with bring the utensils to the table while I look for Tommy?" Ranboo asked. "Of course I can!" Bad beamed, already leaving Ranboos side to go to the kitchens front door where the maids and butlers located at this time.

      Bad looked for someone who wasn't as busy as the others, he found a maid drying off some plates and utilizing utensils, Bad tugged lightly on the maids apron to get her attention, which he succeeded in. "Oh! Good morning your little majesty, how can I help you today?"

      Bad waved, then pointed at a cup containing small silver tea spoons "can you give this to me?" Bad asked, in which the maid replied with a nod, giving him the spoon filled cup while pointing where he should put it. Bad thanked the nice maid before leaving, and placing the item where he was told.

     Bad was about to go back to get something else, but his attention was caught by the sight of his scary-looking-to-others father, he had the same cold stare he usually has— which changed instantly after seeing his youngest son hugging his legs, king Halo picked up Bad close to his chest, smiling brightly at him like he hung the stars while starting a conversation while everyone else made their way in side the dining area for their breakfast.


      Tommy was rushing outside in the rain, trying to cover the royal gardens plants as quick as possible.

Ranboo had warned him many times that it would rain later, but he kept on procrastinating, can you blame him? You totally can whatever the reason was. Yet here he was, with plastic covers messily placed on top of already soaked bushes, he's almost done, just a few more bushes and flowers..

Tommy's train of thought was soon cut off by him slipping on one of the many water puddles covering the garden, Tommy couldn't help but mumble curses under his breath while trying to get up, which also sadly failed.

In a moment of lost hope Tommy stayed still, face down onto the now mud ground. Thinking he would never leave this said puddle, stay in this raining weather forever, he didn't even get to say goodbye to his family! He never wrote his will, he will die in this cruel weather surrounded by poorly covered plants and mud..

Well, that was until he felt the strong rain bullying his head stop, he looked up, not knowing if he's in heaven or hell, eyes blurry from all the mud that got inside them.

Tommy saw a shadowy figure, "g...god?" Tommy asked, "no silly!, it's satan himself!" A familiar voice spoke, making Tommy scream at the top of his lungs.

"Tommyyy!! I was joking I'm sorry, it's me Bad— what are you doing on the ground?" Oh, haha, that was something.

Tommy quickly rubbed his eyes, finally focusing a bit, and the voice was correct, it sure was prince Bad standing on top of Tommy with a clear umbrella while offering one of his hands for Tommy to help him get up, "oh, h..hey big man!" Tommy said, struggling to process what just happened, taking Bads hand while dusting off his clothes a bit.

Tommy opened his mouth to say something, but was very shortly cut off by the sight of a very angry looking Ranboo with his hands crossed standing in the doorway leading to the garden. 'Oh fuck. This isn't gonna end well, queen have mercy..'


Egg was reordering some papers he had in his hands, making his way to his fathers office. He was sent these papers from an unknown source but was asked to put it in the kings office, seeing how he and his twin are the only people allowed in there when the king is away.

Egg quickly did what he was requested and locked the door as soon as he opened it and dropped the papers in a safe spot. Egg sighed, it was a long walk in the rain from the mechanic to the castles, but he still managed.

Egg looked outside, it was raining even stronger then earlier. 'I shouldn't go back to the mechanic— he can do the work himself..' Egg thought, before quickly changing his destination to his own room to rest. But it was shortly cut off by the feeling of a light weight leaning on his leg.

Egg looked down to see a tuff of jet black hair with 2 red little horns sticking on top, Egg sighed content at the familiar sight. He picked up Bad who quickly made himself comfortable on Eggs shoulder, "tired?" Egg asked, not expecting an answer, but still got a slight nod from the younger. Egg patted Bads head, slowly walking down the hall to not disturb bad any further, while getting himself ready to read Bad a story.


A/N: ayyy been awhile, enjoy these little fluff fics because oh goodness, something big is coming and someone is already traumatized from it, you know who you are, sir <3

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