Crumbles - Dadboyhalo angst

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Not requested by anyone in particular, just somethin I've had in mind for awhile

TW: inhuman body horror and angst obviously

Void gave a lot of good ideas to add on our little demon skin headcanon so thank you void for being as awesome as usual yes yes <3


     Lost hums and paranoid movements accompanied the troubled father as he sat down with a paper and pen in hands, not knowing what to write exactly.

     It had been months— years even, since he had last heard about the same nether creature he had raised years ago. Including his partners— or he could call them fiancés now, seeing that it all happened without him being told about it and he wouldn't have known if puffy didn't ask.

     Yes he was hurt— obviously, 'but maybe he just didn't want to tell me or keep it for later, yeah that's probably it' Bad thought. Despite the constant disagreement Skeppy and Puffy had for that thought, he still didn't want to think otherwise. Sapnap wouldn't just forget him like that, right?

      "You're spacing out again buddy" Puffy interrupted his train of thought, snapping her fingers in front of the said figure and taking the invitation right out of Bads hand before he could answer.

      "It's already good and simple enough— you'd invite him for lunch tomorrow and you'd talk things out. I'll deliver the paper to sapnap himself if it makes you feel better."

     Bad sighed, he had been stressing over sapnap leaving for years, he's glad that he can finally hear something from him. "Thank you puffy" Bad said, already concerning the captain due to the un-content tone he had.


      "Are you sure you gave it to the right person? Maybe you just mixed him up with someone else.."

     "Bad, I know what sap looks like, ok? I'm sure I gave it to the right person— he even promised he'd be there! I already told you this" Puffy replied, sitting down next to the demon and their diamond hybrid friend outside their house. They had been waiting for hours, yet no sign of the fire hybrid were shown.

      "Do you think.. do you think he isn't coming..?" Bad asked, already feeling his chest getting lighter now that he let one of his most feared thoughts out.

      "Noo no, I'm sure he's just lost or something" Skeppy said. He had to act and he had to do it quick, he can already feel his best friends skin getting colder, he's not going to let that happen, not after knowing what it really does to him.

     "But he lived here for so long.. there's no way he forgot." Bad said, already feeling some vines growing at the back of his head.

      Skeppy let out a frustrated sigh, putting his hand on his friends own hand in order to comfort him, "Look whatever it is— he'll be here in n—" Skeppy cut himself off the moment he felt something weird on his hand, taking it off of the others hand to examine what happened.

      His hand was covered with something that looked like lead, or powered charcoal, and it was extremely cold. 'Oh no' Skeppy thought, 'are we too late?'

      Before Skeppy was able to ask his dear friend, Bad already got up and went back to his shelter. Leaving a trail of dark power and dead flower petals behind.

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