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Spoilers: Season 1 Episode 1
Fever by Dua Lipa playing...
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TROUBLE is what's coming when it comes to the two men you came looking for.

That's how it always is.

You don't know where everyone went, it all sounded like a prank to you or some kind of sick joke at first if it weren't for the fact that no one has heard of you. Sure, you had some acquaintances here and there but thanks it was profession-wise, you didn't end up having a deeper connection after that.

You feared that perhaps it'll all come around in the same cycle you wanted to break out for so long.

You were just on your way to the station - to the place you first called home, Tokyo. When you got to get the nostalgic feeling of the place you're going to, it scared you until you spotted a couple of fireworks - it sparked red, green, and yellow - and you didn't think anything big of it despite feeling uneasy with the sight of those fireworks.

'Why are there fireworks? It's not even New Year's...' you thought to yourself, watching the popping loud confetti-like explosions through the window of the train.

You felt uneasy, perhaps tense is what you'd like to call it and it's not just because you were scared of loud noises, but because it reminded you of the holiday you left everything behind you. New Years.

You surely did take the whole meaning of 'New Year, New Me' to its extent.

Nipping on your bottom lip, you felt your throat dry - it's probably because of your rapid heartbeat when you noticed that you were nearing Tokyo and that's when you messaged your old friends.

Y/N: I'm back [Sent now]

When you look back up from your phone, the people who were a little close to you disappeared out of the blue, the chattering of old people on the seats was gone, and the train was all empty except for you. You look around, blinking slowly to make sure it wasn't one of your false realities before looking back at your phone.

"No signal..."

Your eyes wandered over the corner of your phone, confused as to why it's suddenly low in battery and the signal is off. You hum to yourself, you made sure your phone was fully charged just a while ago.

"What's going on...?" You whispered to yourself, tucking your phone into your pocket and taking a step backward. There was a man behind you talking on his phone about some business plans just a while ago, where is he now?

Feeling your throat dry, you look back and forth after confirming that this is just not from the creation of your head. Your hand makes its way to your pocket, holding the pills you brought with you.

But you didn't open the bottle yet, only holding them for assurance - right now, you have to explore this somewhat lonesome world.

And even though it was still noon, you were startled by how the whole place dimmed, it was as if it made the atmosphere darker, you even consider yourself lucky that it wasn't evening yet, if it was, you would probably cry in the darkness - this is not your false reality. It is reality.

𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now