𝐭 𝐰 𝐞 𝐧 𝐭 𝐲 - 𝐨 𝐧 𝐞: 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙿𝙻𝙰𝙽

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Spoilers: Season 1 Episode 5
[Major Spoilers]
Woman of the Hour by Stela Cole playing...
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ENGINES WERE REVVING LOUDLY, telling everyone who is a part of the beach that it was finally time for the game and you were assigned to Team 1's car where Arisu was assigned to. You considered yourself lucky since you two had the same number and right now, you were headed to Shinagawa.

The thought of leaving Usagi clouded your mind, it has been like that since you entered the car - it made you somewhat feel uneasy like it was an itch in the back of your head but you had to trust her when she said that she'll be fine and that she'll come back to you.

But unluckily for you, Niragi is right beside you on the same team, of course, he would try and pry the members to get out of the car so he can replace their seat beside you - he's one of the most feared and no one should get in the way of him trying to be close to you, well - a little too close, you had to push yourself into the car window just because he won't stop stealing glances from you.

The event last afternoon was still a disturbing scene for you to recall and you think playing the games might help - Niragi, on the other hand, wanted nothing but for you to be comfortable with him, so he had given some space between you two, not caring if the woman beside him is being squished by his gun that he's hiding from you.

While Arisu is right beside the woman, specifically on the opposite side of where you're sitting - and yes, all four of you are crammed together along with Niragi's rifle. Arisu would've chosen the seat beside you if it wasn't for Niragi rushing to it first before him and the woman so Arisu had no choice but to be forced to the other corner of the car - it only made Arisu frustrated.

Niragi cleared his throat but you still refused to even spare a glance. "I'm really sorry for yesterday..." He whispers, looking down at his hands just for him to notice that he's scratching his knee.

You remain quiet, clicking your tongue as you try and distract yourself by watching the passing empty roads where people used to walk before all these Borderland shenanigans.

"I got really caught off guard by the hallucinations... I'm trying to calm it down." He says, "The pills you took before, I have them too." Arisu hears, perking his ears at the conversation when the word 'pills', 'hallucinations', and 'sorry' were heard by the supposed madman.

Arisu could've sworn that this same Niragi was the one who had killed a woman right in front of everyone yesterday because he found her annoying and even almost choked someone (Chishiya) to death

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Arisu could've sworn that this same Niragi was the one who had killed a woman right in front of everyone yesterday because he found her annoying and even almost choked someone (Chishiya) to death.

𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now