𝐭 𝐰 𝐞 𝐥 𝐯 𝐞: 𝙷𝙰𝙸𝚁𝙲𝚄𝚃

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Spoilers: Season 1, Episode 5
[Major Spoilers]
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"HERE WE ARE!" Niragi exclaims, pointing to the large two doors that lead to what you assume - the executive room. You look up at it, feeling so small from looking at how tall it is compared to you.

"Please enter~" Niragi shortly sings, opening the right door for you to enter and closed the door slam shut when you entered, slamming the door onto the other two militants' faces who were carrying your friends. You gasped and looked at Niragi, glaring at him, "Niragi, open the door." You demand sternly.

Niragi sighs, slumping his shoulders as he goes back to open the door for his other militants.

And when they enter, you watch the militants tie your friends up while they await this so-called 'Hatter' to arrive. Niragi watches along with you, a frown appearing on his face,

Niragi didn't like the gesture his militants were doing to your friends because that would mean he would have to do the same to you.

Looking down at your wrist, he holds it rather softly and carefully rubs it. "Hey, Y/N - I'm sorry, but I have to do the same to your wrist, if that's alright? It's kind of the rule here. We don't want anyone to escape or get violent with Hatter."

"It's alright..." You mumble, taking the third seat available to you while Niragi looks for a rope. If your friends suffer the consequences, you wouldn't allow yourself to treat yourself unfairly compared to them. And so, Niragi reached out for a rope, and even though he didn't imagine using this thing in a situation like this, he did have unspoken fantasies that didn't involve you being harmed or distressed.

"Does it hurt? Tell me if it's too tight, alright?" Niragi whispers to you as he ties knots your hands together. You nod your head, letting him do the work while he carefully adjusts the rope a little too loosely.

"There." He mumbles to himself after knotting your hands together then proceeds to kiss the top of your head. "I'll be there by the entrance." He points to the two doors you have previously entered.


SUNRISE HAS PRESENTED ITSELF, and Arisu and Usagi's eyes were finally opened once the plastic bags on their heads were removed, revealing the sun rays that shone through the window. You had waited for the next day after being tied up by Niragi, it was hard for you to sleep but now all you wanted was to sleep as it felt peaceful to just relax in the darkness without facing Niragi who was just intently watching you like a mother hawk throughout the night to make sure you were comfortable enough in your position while waiting for Hatter.

It was disturbing you at first since he was the only militant present in the room, the other militants left but he chose to stay - it even seems like his position as a militant granted the fear of the people in this location, and it got you wondering why that night, apparently thinking about that got you sleepy and now here you are, sleeping like there were no problems and Niragi only smiled at that.

Arisu looks over to you, "Y/N? Wake up!" He whisper-shouted. But now that you were a light sleeper in this world, you woke up from this, batting your eyes at him and Usagi, glad that they looked like they were safe enough. Niragi, on the other hand, didn't like that Arisu had to disturb your peace though, no, he snarled at it.

𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now