𝐬 𝐞 𝐯 𝐞 𝐧: 𝙷𝙸𝚂 𝙶𝙻𝙰𝚂𝚂𝙴𝚂

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Stalker's Tango by Autoheart playing...
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"I AM BEING - OH SO NICE - TO YOU RIGHT NOW, YOU KNOW?" Niragi snarls, sneaking in little giggles between his sentences as he pushes his gun closer to one of the beach members who he's playing with a spades game - this game is called 'Pirates' where two players will have to take chances and fight each other on a plank that they choose until one either dies or the timer runs out - the only catch is the plank gets smaller in each round. In the end, only four people live, two of them are Last Boss and Niragi, and the other two are only witnesses to this depressing scene.

The frightened woman shivers, trying to push herself away from being directed towards the gun Niragi was holding maniacally yet she couldn't hide further as the plank underneath her cracks a little open that leads her to the entrance of a pile of corpses under her - the ones who fell. She gulps, frighteningly nervous.

Fear is what is seen in her brown eyes and fear is what Niragi feeds on as his grin only grows wider the more he looks into those eyes of the victim with such intensity. Those eyes - oh how much he likes those eyes to be shot dead in between by him. The eyes of the weak only have ever gotten him to feel stronger compared to what he had to go through in the past. And though he would've wanted to play this little game like he was playing with his food, the time was running out as Siri had announced.

"One minute left,"

Niragi sighs and softens his hold on his gun as his grin slowly disappears and is replaced with an unamused frown. On the other hand, the woman's breath hitched, she knew if she didn't do as she was told to do, which is sacrificing herself as she is the key to victory, Niragi would take her regardless of her words. It didn't matter, he just wished she can do what he told her to do - which was to jump over to the pile herself.

She looked around, on the lookout with those helpless eyes aiming around for any other solutions as time only seems to run out But it only got into Niragi's nerves, even more, the more time she wasted, the more his veins click in retaliation of his impatience. He nudges her forward with such nonchalant eyes, amusement no longer written in his crazed-filled eyes. And this made the woman give in when he finally raised the gun back up to her head, glaring at her.

There was no other choice.

"I-I'll jump! I-I'll jump!" She cried out, almost begging, feeling her heart leaping out of her chest. Niragi grins again, excited with that look of victory and the pleasure of dominance coming back in. Oh, how he loved that feeling.

The feeling of not being pushed around.

"See? It isn't that hard, is it? I always knew you were such a good... girl. Soon, it will feel peaceful." He then laughs, his head arched back as amusement only echoes throughout the whole arena with dead spilled bodies on the floor. To him, it felt like a live audience of dead people, yet he wasn't disturbed by it.

"B-But why?... Why are you so heartless, Niragi?" The girl asks, distressed with tear-filled eyes. Niragi's grin turned into an immediate frown. 'Ugh. Why is this bitch talking?' He thinks to himself.

𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝Where stories live. Discover now