Once Again

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A bright light was the first thing he saw the next morning. It wasn't until the Russian opened up his heavy eyes when he realised the bright light was the early day's sun. Although the sun's rays shone bright in his face, it did not provide warmth. Just an empty light, only providing fake hope. The vodka bottle laid on the floor, empty. What had happened the previous night? Why did his eyes feel so weak and puffy? Why was there dry blood at the corner of his mouth? These questions revolved around his head before all memory of the day prior came back to his mind.

Oh.. Da, I remember now.

He remembered quite clearly what happened. However, last night's tender and hurt feelings were long gone. Mornings were always the time for Russia to regain his composure and reassurance. He always took that time to reassure himself that what he was doing was right and that everything was going to be okay. All doubt from the previous night would vanish... at least, that's what he thought.

After a few minutes on contemplating his thoughts, Russia got up from his bed and walked towards his door. Adjusting his white scarf so it partially covered up the bruise on his mouth, he slowly opened up his bedroom door. Once again, he was greeted by the every day sound in his large house. Nothing. That's all that could be heard. Nothing. Sighing, Russia exited his bedroom and began his journey down the stairs to where he would be greeted by Lithuania and shown to breakfast. However, this did not happen. No Baltic was there to greet him at the stairs. No delicious aroma could be smelt wafting through the air. Where was every---


A soft sound of an object dropping could be heard near the front door. The sound was later followed by the hissing whispers of someone who was obviously anxious. Curious, Russia followed the sound and found himself staring at the three Baltics huddled together near the front doors. They each carried a small backpack, obviously filled with personal belongings and such. The Baltics froze at the sight of the larger nation's presence, not one of them knowing what to do.

"What are you doing?" Russia questioned into the uneasy silence. No answer. He spoke again, "It is not nice to ignore someone when they are of asking question. What are you guys doing?" Latvia quickly hid behind Lithuania, trembling at the sound of Russia repeating his words. When Russia had to repeat, little Latvia knew something was going to happen. As expected, Estonia stepped forward.

"We are leaving you, Russia." He said harshly, forgetting all formalities of addressing his former boss. The words echoed in Russia's head.

We are leaving you, Russia.

"You will not be leaving." The Russian replied in a somewhat stern tone. This tone sent chills through the already trembling Latvia. Faith in their plan of finally being free seemed to disappear. Lithuania stood beside his fellow Baltics, trying to keep his legs from shaking. Russia spoke again, "No one will be leaving. You will be going back to your rooms now-

"No." Estonia interrupted his orders. Russia blinked, not expecting to be cut short. The Estonian narrowed his eyes. "No, we will not listening to your orders anymore. You can't tell us what to do." Russia tilted his head, stepping dangerously close.

"Estonia," He said as he approached the Baltics, "are you needing punishment?" Estonia let out a light laugh, causing a ripple of confusion through the surrounding nations. Suddenly, the blonde Baltic put a hand to his pocket, fingers wrapping around a black handle.

"Don't come any closer." He said, slightly pulling out what he hid in his pocket. "You are not going to hurt us anymore." Russia, not taking notice of his hand, took another step. In an instant, Estonia jerked up his hand and pointed a handgun straight at the Russian. Latvia whimpered at the sight of the gun, Lithuania tensed up. This was not in their plan they had discussed the previous night. Estonia never mentioned threatening Mr. Russia.

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