A Visit To The Past (Flashback)

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Let's take a moment to go back and visit little Russia boy...

It was a snowy day, which is mainly everyday, and Ivan was working diligently on a project his boss assigned him to do. It wasn't a major project so Ivan didn't worry too much about it being perfect. However, that didn't stop him from trying to make it absolutely perfect. It had to be. It always had to be. Anything considered not perfect was highly looked down upon.

"Ah, I'm finished!" Ivan exclaimed with a bright smile. "Boss should be much of the happiness! He'll be here soon so I can hand this to him when he arrives!" His eyes shone with relief and accomplishment as he held up the packet of papers. Slightly bloodied bandages wrapped around his fingers and wrists, but his injuries didn't dampen his mood. He finished a project (at a surprisngly fast pace) and that flooded him with happiness and self-pride.

Ivan was currently sitting down on a chair beside his desk. His feet swung below since he was not yet big enough to reach the floor. The edge of the desk lined up with his chest, making it somewhat difficult to reach the other end. Little snow particles flew in through the partially opened window and landed on the clean surface of the desk. A cool breeze blew in, sending chills down Ivan's spine. Outside, a few voices were heard coming near to the house. The voices gradually grew louder and were followed by the opening of the door. It was the front door.

"Russia! Come down, now!" The bellowing voice of his current boss roared up the stairs. Ivan flinched at the sound and gripped the packet of papers tightly. The sound of his boss yelling always sent his nerves on edge. Regaining himself, the Russian hopped off of the chair and pattered down the steps. The holes in his shoes allowed his little toes to poke out in the fronts of them as he sprinted towards his boss.

Three men stood at the front of the main hall: His boss and his side workers. They gave off the feeling of intimidation, making Ivan's legs tremble as he drew closer. A common feeling he had towards his leader; it would be odd to feel anything other than fright.

"Sir!" Ivan greeted the way he was taught how. "I finished the paperwork you ordered me to do!" His grip on the packet loosened as he held it up towards his boss. A smile of pride was on his face as he did so, shaking a bit at the look his boss gave him. The Russian leader frowned and snatched up the packet, causing Ivan to flinch yet again. Flinching seemed like an all-time movement for him.

"You call this finished?!" His boss shouted, throwing the paperwork in Ivan's face. "It's not filled out completely and it's all incorrect!" Before he knew it, Ivan felt himself being jerked up from the shirt front. In an instant, he found himself being held eye level to his country's leader. Angry eyes stared into frightened ones. "This was due today, and I expected it to be finished on time."

"I-I did the best I could-" Ivan tried to explain, feeling his eyes water and body tremble.

"Well your best isn't enough!" Suddenly, his boss threw Ivan back down onto the floor. Ivan cowered on the ground as he held his bandaged hands over his head.

Nyet, not today... Please... I did best I could... I tried... I trie-

Ivan's silent pleads ceased as a foot made contact with his face. A quiet yelp escaped his lips as he fell backwards as the foot slammed against his side. It didn't take long until the kicks were tripled as the two men who came with his boss joined in.

"Work is nothing to put off! You must complete everything on time; there is no other option!" His boss's scoldings rang in his ears as they finally quit kicking. Bruises were visible all over Ivan as he shook on the floor. His eyes were shut tight, refusing to stare upon the eyes of his worst nightmare.

"I-I'm sorry! I was t-trying to do my b-best.." The Russian child cried softly, glancing up at his leader. "S-Sir, please believe me. I d-did everything I coul-"

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