A Start Anew

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A week had passed since Estonia's gunfire.
A week and two days had passed since Russia woke up.
A week and two days had passed since Russia had discovered love.

Every day as Russia recovered, Lithuania taught him a new gesture. First it was a handshake, then it was a compliment. His favourite would had to be the smile. Oh how such a simple action could give so much love. Who knew how easy it was to give love. Such thoughts and feelings warmed the Russian's heart. He listened intently whenever the Lithuanian had proposed yet another action of love.

After the second week had passed, Russia had fully recovered and could move along on his own. A bullet scar was still evident on the side of his body; it was another scar to his collection. Lithuania had gathered up all his belongings and Russia allowed him to take leave.

"Don't worry, Mr. Russia. I will be back." Lithuania said with a waem smile. He stopped at the front door, his bags and such in his hands. "It is not like I am leaving you forever. We are still friends and I will pay you visits when I can." The Russian smiled softly and waved the brunette.

"Da, I know. We are friends, and friends see each other when they are needing company."

Lithuania nodded at that statement and replied with a soft smile. "Yes, and I shall visit you and see how you are doing, sir." The smaller nation hopped onto the front steps and began walking towards the awaiting car to drive him back to the airport in order to go back to his own home. Russia watched from the doorway and waved one of his gloved hands.

"See you soon, Litva!"

"Goodbye, Ivan. I will see you soon."

And with that, Lithuania disappeared into the car along with his belongings. Russia watched the car start up and drive down the snow paved road until the car was no more.

He was alone now. No one else was in his house except for him. An empty feeling settled in his heart, but for some odd reason... it wasn't that bad. Despite the feeling of abandonment from the other Baltics (excluding Lithuania), nothing really made him feel down. Maybe it was because of that new word Lithuania taught him; love.

Ah, love. Just the sound of it made Russia's whole being warm. It thawed the ice which had held captive his weary heart for so long. The single syllable word splashed colour wherever he looked. It interested and awed him on how such a simple word could do so much to a person.

Smiling, Russia turned back and stepped back into his house. He was a new person now. He wasn't cold hearted anymore nor was he cruel or hurtful. He's gone past that now; Lithuania made him realise his wrong doings. With a happy heart, the Russian grabbed his tan coat which hung nearly on the coat rack and slipped it on.

It was a new day, unlike any he had before. It was a new feeling. A new experience. A new... life.

Russia decided it was time to make amends with those he had done wrong. It was time for him to apologise and start anew with his fellow allies.

Will they accept me? Will they forgive?

It was time for him to discover the ways of love. It was time for him to go on a journey. It was time for Russia... to declare himself not a monster.

He had a heart and he sure as hell was gonna show that he can use it.

Author's Note (Please Read):

Okay, the reason why I have not been updating this story more frequently and as much as I would hope for is because I, being stupid, had thought up this grand and amazing story plot aaaaaand forgot it. Yes, I forgot to write it down and I forgot where I was going with this story.

So, please bare in mind that I am somewhat winging it now so this story can go all over the place and in ways you may least expect it. I mean, who doesn't enjoy a good plot twist? Yeah~ good luck with that.

Anyways, so please be patient as I work my way through this story. It may be awhile but I PROMISE I will not give up with this story. This story will keep going and it will not be inactive.

And with that, thank you and I hope you enjoyed this little chapter~

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