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The cold breeze was the first thing Russia felt when he awoke. He had left the window open, which probably caused his never ending chills throughout the night.  Sluggishly, he grabbed his tan coat and slipped it on, along with his everyday white scarf. It was very rare to see Russia without his scarf.

After getting into proper clothing, he walked downstairs to where the Baltic Nations; Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, were already fixing him a plate of breakfast. Smiling at their nervous faces, he sat down and ate. He tried to ignore the fact that they were shaking as they ate alongside him. Why do they tremble? Why do they refuse to look him in the eye?

Finishing his meal, he set off to England for the usual Allies meeting. He sat at his usual seat and watched the usual start of the meeting which always ended up in chaos. First with America leading it. Then with England disagreeing with everything. Which leads to France getting involved and sparking up a fight with England. As they fight, China would sit idly by complaining continuously how they never get anything done. As this all unfolds, Russia is always there and just there. He sits and watches, smiling whenever someone gives a quick glance at him. Every now and then he will make a remark on something, but at the most he will keep quiet.

And then the meeting ends, getting nothing done. England is always the first to leave and then is followed by America and France. China often waits for Russia to leave since he is usually the very last to exit the room. Russia will walk with China out of the meeting hall, enjoying his company. However, he knows that China is not comfortable near Russia. Again, he ignores this and continues to smile.

After the meeting, Russia goes back to his house and is greeted by the Baltics. Lithuania will report to him all the chores they had done, Latvia will accidentally blurt out something that was made to be kept a secret, and Estonia will hurriedly try to cover up what his fellow nation said. Russia would smile at them and if needed give them proper punishment. Leaving the shaking Baltics back to their work, Russia will retire into his own room. There he would hang up his coat and quietly think about that day's events.

When night came, he would walk around the house, observing the Baltics' work and eat the food Lithuania had prepared for them. After the uneasy dinner, Russia would dismiss the Baltics back to their rooms or chores. On his own, Russia would return back to his bedroom and grab one of his many vodka bottles. After drinking, he did not know what happened next, for whenever he woke up the next morning, memory of the previous night was always a blur.

And from there his day starts again. From the nervous Baltics' to the rowdy meeting and to drinking alone in his room. A typical day, for Ivan Braginsky.

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