I Talk About Scars

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I feel like I'm talking to myself! Ah! Comment on whatever you want! This one does have a bit of language just a head-up!

I struggle with the single nightmare all night long. At one point Bella came up to my room because I'd fallen off my bed and started screaming, still asleep and trying to get away from my nightmare.

I swear though, at one of the nightmare-free moments I heard whispering from Bella's room. I slept with my door open a crack that night with my feet hanging off my bed. The next morning when Charlie comes to wake me up he tells me I don't look good. He takes my temperature and it turns out I have a fever.

"I dunno Carol. I'd feel pretty awful leaving you here," admits my dad.

"Just leave microwavable pizza bites, water, a.c, and a t.v remote and I'll be fine. I'm probably going to sleep all day anyway dad," I tell him from my place on my bed where I'm tucked up to my chin with three blankets.

"You sure?" he asks me doubtfully.

"Positive. Now go or you're going to be late!"

Bella comes and leaves me with a glass of water before she heads to school. I decide to take a nap to try and fight off the incredibly high fever that is making me feel awful.


When I wake up from my four-hour nap my throat is as dry as the Sahara desert but all my water has been drunk. My head pounds in beat with my heart and my handshakes from lack of food. I think I go back to sleep because the next thing I know is that someone is holding me. 

I feel the steady hum of a car and I fall back into the depths of sleep.

"Caroline? Can you hear me?" asks a voice I recognize. Leave me alone! I want to yell. Leave me to my sweet depths of sleep and darkness where I don't have to think! But the annoyance doesn't leave me alone so I open my eyes blearily.

"Hey Caroline, can you stay awake for me?" asks doctor Cullen. Wait- why is he in my house? Then I realize, this isn't my house. From the nasty smell, I was in a hospital. I appeared to already be checked into a room and I could see a silhouette of Charlie pacing outside my room.

"I need to prick your arm so I can get an IV in. You're extremely dehydrated and your fever needs to be brought down or permanent brain damage could be caused," said Carlisle. My feverish brain didn't take in anything he was saying though until he brought out a needle. My eyes widened in horror and I began to shake from head to toe. Carlisle turned around and noticed my fear before calling in another nurse. She held down my arm while fat tears rolled down my cheek as the needle was inserted.

I kept my eyes closed even after it was over before falling asleep again.


"Bella, you're going to wake her up,"

"I'm being quiet!"


"Why're ya'all so loud?" I muttered, turning over only to feel a thin, uncomfortable sheet.

"Did we wake you up?" asked Bella nervously as I blinked rapidly against the bright lights. I struggled to sit up as I noticed an IV in my right wrist making me pale and look away from it. I opened my mouth before closing it again like goldfish while looking around the room confused.

"You're in the hospital," said Edward. Of course, he was here. Couldn't get a moment of privacy with the guy attached to Bella's hip.

"Why?" I asked.

"Severe dehydration and an extremely high fever that could have caused brain damage if it wasn't bought down," explained Edward. I snickered quietly.

"I'm pretty sure I already have brain damage. If you can't tell, I'm not all put together in here," I said, tapping my temple before noticing I was in a hospital gown, thank god that I had my black sweatpants from when I'd gone to bed though.

"I think it's the medications," whispered Edward to Bella with a grin. I scowled at him before sticking out my tongue.

"Where's Char-dad?" I asked Bella from her seat on the couch with her adoring boyfriend. I mentally gagged at the thought.

"Dad had to go back to work. He already traded shifts with someone this morning and couldn't miss this afternoon," said Bella. I nodded, shifting into a more comfortable position. I winced slightly as my back twinged with pain from my shimmery scars. It happened sometimes even though they were healed. This didn't miss Edward and Bella though.

"Are you okay?" Bella asked, concerned.

"Yeah," I lied as my scars protested as if calling me out on my lie. Bella looked as if she was going to protest before the door opened and Carlisle was on the other side with a clipboard.

"Hello, Caroline. How are you feeling?" he asked pleasantly.

"Shitty," I replied. He fought back a smile while Bella looked horrified.

"CAROLINE!" she whisper-yelled. I looked at her with wide innocent eyes.

"He asked Bella!" I defended. Edward and Carlisle chuckled as he flipped through several papers on his clipboard.

"You have an IV right now with liquids to rehydrate you. So, you should be free to go tomorrow," said Carlisle, looking up before taking out a flashlight and checking my eyes. "I'll see you in an hour to replenish your liquids. Make sure you drink lots of water though,"

I nodded like the good little patient I was as Carlisle left. Edward followed after him while I had a staring contest with Isabella, winning every time. After three minutes Edward returned with a nurse following hot on his heels.

"I was told your back was paining you, dear," she said. My head snapped toward Edward where he acted innocent while I shot a murderous glare his way. The little snitch! The nurse had me sit up so she could see my back before she gasped.

I'm guessing it's my scars, I thought sourly.

"What happened?!" she exclaimed with horror. I tried to shrink in on myself if it was possible. Slowly, Bella made her way over with Edward following. Apparently, I was an artifact in a museum now! I heard all three of them take in a breath before I turned around and ducked under my thin cover. I tried to block out anything that was being said. Eventually, the nurse left but I heard one thing from Edward that made my head reel.

"Those were scars from a vampire attack,"

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