I Go To A Forbidden Sleepover and Squish the Cake

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When I got home that night in wolf form, the phone rang the second I stepped inside.

"Hello, Swan residence," I said, picking it up while trying to see how far the cord would stretch to the fridge so I could grab something to eat.

"Hey, Carol. It's Billy,"

"Hey, Billy. What's up?" I asked while simultaneously opening the fridge to find the telephone cord wouldn't stretch that far.

"Jake went to the movies today with Bella but he came home angry. He's running a fever and every little thing ticks him off," I listened while stretching one foot into the fridge and nudging a Tupperware of cake.

"You think he's gonna shift soon?" I asked, somewhat paying attention. I grabbed the Tupperware with my toes and it fell to the ground. I jumped down to rescue it and as I got up, knocked my head on the fridge.

"Yeah. I tried calling Sam's place but he isn't answering,"

"Sam is on patrol tonight-" I grabbed a fork and started to eat the slightly smushed cake. "And Emily went to bed early,"

"I know it's a lot to ask, but could you come over in case he does tonight? I can wait for Sam in the morning but I'm concerned-"

"He'll get angry, shift, and maul you to death?" I asked nonchalantly. "Yeah. I'll be over in a 15," Then I hung up. Damn, I had worked so hard to get this cake and I wouldn't be able to finish it.


I pulled up to Billy's house 15 minutes later with my overnight bag tied down to the back of my motorcycle. I hadn't even knocked when he pulled open the door and ushered me inside.

"You were the only person I could think of," he said, apologizing.

"It's fine. I didn't have plans anyway," I said kindly, plopping my bag overnight bag onto the couch. I heard a door open and was met with a sweaty, buff Jake.

"Caroline?" he inquired before realizing he was still mad at me. "What are you doing here?" he spat. Even though it was already 10 o'clock and the sun had gone down long ago, I thought it might be good to get him out of the house.

"I came over to ask if you wanted to go for a walk," I lied on the spot. He looked at me suspiciously.

"No you didn't," he retorted, starting to shake. Okay, I was not helping things.

"You're right," I admitted and pretended to be bashful and ashamed. "I-I came to apologize," His shaking stopped, so far so good.

"I should never have said that and it was wrong of me. I can't make you forgive me, but I brought chocolate ice cream," I grinned, knowing it was our favorite. He was deciding before he broke in and gave me a hug.

"I shouldn't have said what I did about Triston either. Truce?" he asked, looking like a kicked puppy. I nodded.


We had settled onto the ground with pillows and blankets and decided to watch Inception, my favorite movie.

"I don't get what you find so great about this movie!" complained Jake as he took another piece of popcorn. "It doesn't have an ending!"

"Exactly," I said reverently. "It makes you decide. There's so much thinking with this movie, it's beautiful," I whispered in awe as we watched people shoot at each other.

"Yeah! It makes you think!" groaned Jake, taking a bite of the chocolate ice cream between us. I had left Sam a message on his phone and Emily on her voicemail. I was in literal pain though. Disobeying the Alpha order was even a miracle, but now I was in terrible pain from it. My head was pounding and my chest was on fire, but Jake was calm and not shifting currently so it was worth it.

I heard the shrill scream of the phone as Billy picked it up. It was Bella on the other end. I heard the whole conversation with my enhanced hearing and how Billy had warned Bella away, saying Jake was sick while he was oblivious. Poor Jake.


The next morning I left early while Jake was still sleeping. I had the morning patrol and hated it. Sam had taken last night's patrol and he would wait until I shifted to catch me up. Once in the cover of the woods, I focused on becoming a wolf and was.

Hey Ro. Said Sam, knowing I hated mornings.

Hi Sam. I grumbled back. I was already exhausted, having stayed up until 2 am to finish watching the movie with Jake but now it was 5 am and I was working off of 3 hours of sleep. Sam read this thought and grew angry.

I ordered you to stay away from Jacob, Ro.

I only had to because Billy called me last night saying that Jake was angry and he was afraid Jacob was gonna shift and maul him! I protested.

Why didn't you call Embry, Jared, or Paul?

Because Jacob hates them and he knew me before I told him I hated his guts and to stay away! I yelled. He pulled back for a moment, thinking.

Not again. I will handle it and I applaud you on your quick thinking, but you need to stay away from him until he shifts. He ordered. NO EXCEPTIONS. He used the Alpha voice on me and now I was forced to obey. I couldn't be around Jacob under any circumstances until he shifted.

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