I Don't. . .Know

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Sorry about the late update! If this chapter doesn't seem as put together it's because I threw it together to get it up asap for you guys! Don't forget to vote and comment, thanks, love you guys!! <3

My moment of hesitation is what cost me. She recognized me from my smell of pine, campfires. and freshly baked cookies. Every person had a different smell depending on their personality, likes, and what they often did.

"I know you." she purred. "The little boy's imprint, yes? I was so angry you got away. Wolf or not though, I'd like to be rid of you." I was still frozen from the shock. This was Triston's killer. I screamed through the wolf telepathy when I felt her hands wrap around my neck tightly before snapping it. Victoria was tackled off of me as the pack had seen what occurred through my memories. 

I fell to the ground, my mouth was open in silent pain. I couldn't focus on anything; breathing, blinking, I couldn't even feel my own body. Was I dying? Or the absence of living? I was relieved but alarmed at the lack of pain. I was still connected to the pack as I floated through each of their minds, mine hazy and incorporeal. 

"Ro! Caroline! Are you alright?!" shouted Paul, freezing and spinning around, taking the brunt of an attack from Victoria. He yowled, his pain originating from his shoulder which, through his eyes, appeared utterly unusable. But just as quick as the numerous thoughts had come, they were gone. Along with my sense of smell, sight, and touch.

"Ro! Oh my god!" I heard someone yell. That was all I understood, words.

"Is she all right?"

"Paul, are okay?"

"It was the leech! She snapped her neck!"

"She's still breathing Sam."

"What are we going to do?"

-  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -

Time was such an interesting concept when you couldn't remember anything. How to do anything. When I regained my sight I was staring at a plain ceiling. 

"Hello, Caroline." said a warm voice, before shining a bright light in my eyes. I groaned, wincing but unable to move my head away. "Can you tell me if you can feel this?"

"Feel what?" I asked after waiting. The man reappeared in my line of vision, with honey-blond hair and golden eyes with a perfect structure. I felt gratefulness towards this man, then horrible anger. Where had these underlying emotions come from?! I didn't even know this man! 

"Who are you?" I questioned, panic etching itself onto my face. "Where am I?"

"Caroline, don't you remember?" asked the man, cocking his head to the side with concern. "My name is Carlisle Cullen. Edward Cullen, my adoptive son, is your half-sister's boyfriend?" I struggled to shake my head, the feeling natural.

"I don't know you!" I said loudly, trying to get off the bed. The man's kind smile dipped into a frown.

"Caroline, I need you to lay back down. You need to rest, you were-"

"Let go of me!" I shrieked. The ornate wooden door burst open and several buff, tan boys scrambled to hold me down. "Get off of me!" 

"Jasper!" said Carlisle urgently. A grave-faced man with sandy-blond hair entered the room, by my side in a second. He gently brushed several strands of my hair from my face while whispering reassurances. I slowly fell back tiredly, my eyes drooping heavily from the sleep that had swooped in on me from nowhere.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

When I finally woke up after my unplanned nap, I was sore all over and suffering a nasty headache. Merely a few minutes later, the same sandy-blond from earlier entered the room cautiously. 

"Caroline?" he asked tentatively as if I was a bomb about to blow. "How are you feelin'?" I placed a southern accent in his voice that sparked something in me.

"I know you." I said quietly, going to wipe a stray tear of frustration from my face only to find my arms strapped down to the medical bed I was lying in.

"That's right." he agreed. "Can you recall my name?" I bit my lip, reaching into the lengths of my mind to find I could not. He seemed to sense my defeat and took several steps closer, offering me a reassuring smile.

"That's all right. I'm Jasper Hale ma'am." He told me. The name sounded familiar, like something I couldn't quite place.

"Spanish." I blurted out of nowhere. Jasper's face brightened slightly, a lopsided grin taking over his face.

"Yes, we used to have Spanish class together and were partners." he told me. He glanced down at the straps holding me down and thought to himself for a moment.

"If I undo the straps, will you be calm for me?" he asked, one eyebrow raised. I nodded slowly, watching as he quickly undid them. I rotated my wrists, swinging my bare feet over the side of the bed and standing. I collapsed to the ground, Jasper catching me in the knick of time. 

He put a hand around my shoulders and supported more than half my weight, gingerly helping me walk. I was in a pair of sweatpants and a plain gray t-shirt that smelled like vinegar and bleach. I crinkled my nose at the horrendous smell.

"Caroline, do you want to go sit in the living room for a while?" asked Jasper as he rested his hand on the doorknob, still supporting my weight. I weighed my options; stay in the uncomfortable bed or a perhaps more comfortable couch. 

"Yes please," I said, my voice quiet. He swung the door open, revealing a living room stuffed with people. Three tan, buff guys from earlier were all sitting on a large sofa anxiously. I swear I could see the furniture bowing slightly.

On a two-person couch sat a pale, frizzy-haired teenager with an impeccable looking male next to her, his arm wrapped around the girl. 

All the buff boys sprang from the couch and shouted some variation of my name and surrounded me, making me lean into Jasper to get away from the boys who had surrounded me. 

"You're overwhelming her." said the pale boy with goldish eyes from his perch on the couch. The buff boys instantly backed up, offering apologies and sitting back down tensely. I examined the boy who had spoken up. I felt an overwhelming rage towards him and I marched forward, filled with new energy. I pulled my fist back and punched him in the face, sending him flying backward off the couch.

"You dick!" I shouted, before pulling myself back in horror and rushing to his aid. "Oh my god I'm so sorry," I said quickly, standing above the boy who was rubbing his jaw and giving me a sour look. "I don't even know your name and-"

The buff boys on the single couch were roaring with laughter as I was panicking over harming him.

"It's alright." he waved me off, standing up. "I don't know if you remember-" Jasper shot the boy a warning look. "But I'm Edward Cullen." he said smoothly, offering me his hand to shake. I hesitantly shook it as everyone introduced themselves. Jasper had offered -practically forced- me to sit in an armchair while he went to fetch 'his father.' 

I clutched a mug of hot chocolate which had been given to me by a kind woman called Esme. Apparently, some of their family members weren't in the house and were camping in the mountains.

When Jasper's father entered the living room the smell of sterile tools and antiseptic followed him. He must be a doctor.

"Hello, again Caroline. How are you feeling?" he asked pleasantly, quickly shining a light in my eyes. 

"Fine," I said my voice barely above a whisper. 

"Well, unfortunately, I have some bad news for you." he said gingerly. Everyone in the living room looked on with pity. Carlisle took a breath before offering me a sympathetic smile, "Caroline, you have amnesia."

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