I Accidentally Threaten The Nicest Woman Of All Time

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Sorry, this one is really short but I'll make it up to you guys!

"Triston!" I shrieked, ducking under the oncoming pillow before smacking mine into him. He crashed into the couch and fell over the back of it. There was silence in the living room before I leaped over the couch to check on him.

"Oh my god, Triston! Are you alrig-" I was cut off when he pulled me down onto the ground next to him. My best friend had just disappeared for two weeks before coming back all buff, ignoring me. But for some reason, we were allowed to hang out again.

We laid on the floor while he tickled me. I screeched and flailed around, trying to get him to stop tickling.

"I give! I give!" I gasped. Triston smirked slyly.

"So what do I get for winning?" he asked, his eyebrow raised.

"This." I lunged forward and quickly pecked him on the lips, leaving both of our faces bright red. It was pouring outside and a huge burst of thunder echoed outside when the power suddenly went out.

"Triston?" I called, reaching out for him. I didn't like rainstorms which was I  originally asked him to come over while my grandma was gone for her Bingo club. 

"I'm over here Ro," he said, his calm voice soothing my nerves. Our hands met in the darkness before we moved to the kitchen to find a flashlight. I switched it on, nearly blinding Triston in the process. 

We moved over to the couch, lighting several candles for light. We curled up on the couch. I was covered in a blanket and leaned up against Triston for his heat.

The rain had slowed down, making me drowsy. "I think I love you Triston." My sleep-deprived brain said out loud before I drifted off to sleep with the person I held most dear with me.

"Caroline, darling, Alice sent me to get you," a sweet voice said.

"Trishton- five more minutes," I mumbled.

"I'm Esme dear," I heard.

"Funny, but if you don't let me sleep Trishton, I'll knock you into next week even if you're on steroids and I have no chance,"  I yawned before blinking slowly and realizing I was in the Cullen house. I sat up to Esme smiling motherly at me.

"Alice asked me to get you for Bella's presents," she seems to be stifling laughter. I run my hand through my hair before standing up and padding silently behind Esme into the second living room. 

"I can't believe you actually slept!" said Bella, giving me a disappointed look. I stared back, still half-asleep.

"Bella, that couch was literally beckoning me. And, I can fall asleep anywhere. It's a talent," I grinned while she ignored me, rolling her eyes.

"It's time to open presents!" squealed Alice, handing a present to Rosalie who in turn handed it to Bella.

"It's a necklace. Alice picked it out," she said stiffly. Okay. . .So we got some resentment toward Bella from Rosalie. Understandable.

"Thanks," said Bella awkwardly, making me want to smack my head against the gorgeous coffee table behind me. Emmet handed Bella a bigger box as she shook it, confused.

"Already installed it in that heap of crap ca-" Emmet started, grinning.

"Hey, don't hate on the car," interrupted Bella, smiling softly. I was hovering near Bella, dismissing a headache. The last gift was from Esme and she was smiling motherly as she gave it to Bella. She moved to open it but cut her finger.

"Oh," said Bella, before the blood hit the carpet. I watched, wondering why Bella looked so alarmed at the sight of a paper cut when I was suddenly thrown into the wall. Jasper lunged at Bella and me, looking like a feral animal.

And that was when it clicked.

The cold skin, the fear of blood, never-eating. They were vampires. They were like the thing that killed Trishton.

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