Chapter 1

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Tedros relaxed his shoulders and stepped away from the maid. 

you're an award-winning actor! he told himself. you shouldn't hate starring in possibly the next most popular movie.

And it was true. Who wouldn't grab the chance to play even a minor character in the all famous 'The princess and the maid' let alone the lead?

Who wouldn't want to be seen and adored worldwide and not to mention, get millions of dollars!

The answer was: Tedros.

Ever since he graduated from university, movie producers, fashion designers and lord knows who else have been sending him job applications, literally BEGGING him to work for them. 

While you might love all the attention and popularity, Tedros positively HATED it.

He was going to decline them all but his mother stopped him. 

He knew she had wanted to be an actor growing up but never got the chance.

She said that he should just try them out. At first, he refused but then Guinevere began to tear up with disappointment and he couldn't possibly see his mother cry.

He had always loved Guinevere. She was the only one who didn't just love him for his looks.

Yes, Tedros was handsome just like his father who had died when he was 9.

Finally, he gave in.

"Fine, I'll give it a try but if I don't like it, I'm quitting.

And that's how he started his acting career.

At first, he only accepted small movie roles as side characters but then his mothers business closed down.

They were running low on money and tedros had to do something about it.

So he got his first lead role.

He started to grow bigger, more famous and then somehow he ended up here, in the cast for The Princess and The Maid.

He was going through his role applications when he saw this insane amount of reward money. 

He'd thought it was just a small movie that was desperate to get him in the cast.

He had not known however that he would end up as the prince in the romance movie of the century.


"That's a wrap!"

Sophie smiled. Her make-up crew rushed up to her, congratulating her on another good magazine shot.

The truth was, Sophie didn't care about her modelling job.

Yes, it made her famous in all the fashion magazines. Yes, it paid enough for her to have a mansion and a private jet. Yes, it expressed all her beauty but not to its full extent.

Models did not star in movies.

All her life, Sophie had wanted to be an actor.

She wanted people to hear her beautiful voice and her amazing acting skills and her beauty in its full glory.

The only reason she became a model in the first place was that she thought that being a model gave her a free pass into all the hottest movies.

She wanted to be the beautiful girl who goes against bad friends, drama and kissing hot boys. 

She wanted to be who everyone else wanted to be.

She drifted off into her dream world, thinking about everything that she could do if only she was an actor.

Sophie was brought back to reality by Agatha, her accountant, shaking her shoulder.

"Sophie are you still there? This shoot has had a HUGE increase on your finances and-"

Sophie tuned her out.

All Agatha ever said was "blah blah blah money blah blah increase blah blah"

The poor girl thought she was my best friend.

As if.


"Goodnight Aggie, I'll see you tomorrow," yawned Sophie, slamming the door in her face.

Sophie was... a difficult friend to have to say the least.

Agatha sighed and made her way back to her hotel room.

She and Sophie had been friends since high school, or at least she thought so.

After University, model Sophie had taken unemployed Agatha in as her accountant but she never seemed to have time for her.

Agatha knew Sophie had always wanted to be an actress but never got the chance

Acting. Blech. So useless. 

Agatha had always hated acting. Everything was so fake with no real emotion.

Not that she ever tried it.

Personally, she was fine with her little desk in her office filled with papers and calculators.

She slumped in her small bed and wondered, just wondered, if for once life was different.

If instead of living in Sophie's shadow, she was loved, admired and recognised for her as a person.

If she starred in a movie.

 hi thanks for reading. I saw so many modern fanfic that i had to write one myself.

a tad bit of credit goes to pumpkinpaperweight for giving me the acting idea but everything else solely belong to me (exept the characters). When i get atleast 5 votes ill continue this because ill know people are atleast reading it. Also pls comment and recommend this to other! (if you like it :)

-peasant slayer

BTW this is one of the longest chapters ive actually written with 792 words!

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