Chapter 5

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Agatha, Tedros and Pollux waited for Sophie to return.

Seconds, minutes and, eventually, an hour passed by in tense silence. 

Tedros had guessed she was the jealous type but didn't know she would storm out like that instead of being happy for her friend. 

Aaaaaand his mind went back to thinking about said friend. Who was still sprawled across his arms from when she collapsed. And it was sending his heart into overdrive.

Agatha's eyes were welling up and she looked on the verge of a breakdown; barely holding it together. He felt a sudden urge to make her smile. 

She had a beautiful smile when she did she-


Finally, he couldn't take it anymore.

"I'll go look for Sophie," he announced and gently laid Agatha back down on the couch.

Tedros went through the door she had stormed through but she was nowhere to be seen. He checked behind all the corners, next to the designer furniture, and even peeked into a few potted plants (though he isn't sure why). 

He was just about to give up when he remembered the girls' toilets.

Oooook then. You, Agatha, Sophie and director Pollux are the only ones here today, it's now weird. Just check really quick and then-

Then he saw her.

Sophie was standing still, peering into the mirror with a dark, distant expression. Her eyes were puffy and her smudged mascara gave her a ghostly aura. The emerald eyes stared off into space, empty and calculating but what caught his attention was her hair.

Her once long, well-groomed hair lay in detached piles on the tiled floor. The remaining hair sat right above her shoulders, jagged and uneven. Tedros almost didn't recognise her.

Suddenly, Sophie's eyes became alert like she's just noticed he was there. 

Tedros thought it might be his imagination but for a quarter of a second, he saw a feral determination in her eyes; like she wants something and she was not gonna stop until she gets it...

Sophie met his eyes and slowly smiled; though it unsettled him.

"Ah Teddy, there you are," she gushed, rushing up to him as if everything was normal. Tedros shuddered at her touch. Despite her overall cheery demeanour, something didn't seem right. 

"Uh well..." he stammered, not sure how to approach the topic of the hair lying in a pile on the floor.

He found the solution: Just don't approach it. It's not cowardly if nobody finds out right?

"We're- uh- We're waiting for you, do you want to come back?"

"of course, why would I give up this wonderful opportunity over such a silly thing like that?" she chirped, pulling me out of the bathroom.

"especially when I have a best friend to support."


After Tedros left, Pollux awkwardly recommended she rest after the whole fainting incident so she snuggled up to the couch and decided to catch up on the hours of sleep she missed this weekend and it was going great until the dreams came.

They came in floods, transporting her through an endless hallway of mirrors.

The mirrors reflected her from every angle, all her weaknesses, her insecurities, whispering in her ear.

You're so ugly, monsters run from you

You're unlikable, Sophie only became friends out of pity

Nobody could ever love you, you're a witch, a witch, a witch...

She screamed and banged on the mirrors, trying to break them, but they stayed persistent.

Her heart pounded in her ears, her tears mixing with the blood that she didn't know was there. 

Then everything went quiet and she had a moment of relief before they came.

The eyes. Those bright emerald eyes pierced into my soul. Those eyes brimming with despise, directed at no one but me.

They whispered too; the worst things of all.

Sorry, Aggie, I don't want to be friends with you. I'm leaving

I'm leaving.

Agatha woke with a gasp.

She looked around and tried to calm her rapid breathing but the dream was still as vivid as before. 

I'm leaving.

She shook her head. No, she was not going down the path, it's just a dream, it's not real, get yourself together-

Then she walked into the room.

Agatha gasped.

Sophie's hair, once long and luscious, was short and jagged like a mountain range turned upside down. 

That's not the Sophie I know.

That Sophie would rather lose a limb than let anything happen to her hair.

So then what happened?

Agatha jumped up as Tedros walked into the room after Sophie (she chose to ignore the momentary loss of breath she experienced at the sight of him). 

"Sophie, I really don't know what happened but I could get Pollux to change our roles and-"

Sophie rushed up and hugged her. "No, don't worry Aggie, you deserve this chance. I'm not THAT petty," she chirped.

I tried to feel relieved. I wasn't going to lose my best friend over this movie.

Yet something didn't feel right. Sophie wouldn't just give up on something she really wanted and she REALLY wanted this role. Everything about the situation unsettled her.

And the hug felt more like a trap.

This episode was more sort of emotion heavy but it was really fun to write :D. I know I haven't exactly been the most active but I want to write more so I'll be more active from now on :)) If there are any stories you also want me to update more often, comment it and I'll try to work on them.

Also one vote = 1 more piece of gum for Pollux to let his anger out on ;)

-Hibdazzle (yes, new name)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2023 ⏰

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