Klaus as a wolf

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In a remote and isolated spot in the Bayou.. Between several trees and on a green carpet.. Hope lies on her stomach and in front of her is a painting on which she draws with her brush and scattered next to her colors.. Next to her sits Camille leaning on a tree trunk reading one of her books.. They enjoy the nice weather provided by the forest around them.. Klaus assured her that this spot was completely safe.. Which encouraged her to respond to Hope whenever she asked her to come here.

The area was close to a small waterfall and filled with roses and flowers of different shapes and colors.. Which made the atmosphere fragrant with a refreshing natural smell.. She got to know this place thanks to Klaus.. And she and his daughter fell in love with it so they forced Klaus not to tell anyone about it.. A secret of hers and Hope only.. Taken out of her reading by Hope's voice as she calls her by a pampering name only Hope used "cam"

Camille whispered that she listened, so Hope excitedly asked her "Would you like to see my drawing?" 

Camille puts her book aside as she gives Hope her full attention "Of course, where is it?"

Hope sat on her knees as she gave her the painting, eagerly waiting for her opinion.. Cami picked up the painting, contemplating it intently.. Saying in a gentle tone "How beautiful is this room, Hope, did you draw it so that your father would redesign your room?" 

Hope shook her head in disapproval and she jumped to sit on Cami's stomach.. Which made Cami giggle out of surprise.. Hope shared her the laughter and Camille raised his feet as a cushion for Hope's back, who leaned on them as she answered lightly "No, this is my room at the school.. I drew it for you to see"

Camille caressed her cheek, gently, saying tenderly "How sweet of you, my child!!"

Hope smiled at her wide as she babbled about the school she had just joined.. Camille was listening to her with all her heart.. The little miracle girl is capable of stealing hearts in just the blink of an eye.. Hope rested her head on Cami's chest.. which made Cami pull her book under her head as a pillow.. She stretches her body to give Hope a more comfortable position.. Hope asked curiously "When will Mammy be back?"

Camille laughed silently as she brushed Hope's hair with her fingers "It depends on your Uncle Elijah.. When will he decide to come back?"

"Daddy said Uncle Elijah kidnapped her and he's not going to bring her back to us" Hope replied in an exasperated tone.

Camille couldn't help herself to laugh out loud.. Hope's head rose in exasperation "Cam, It's not funny, Daddy said kidnapping is not a good deed"

Camille pretends to be serious, still amusement fills her laughing eyes "Your dad is right.. kidnapping isn't a good deed.. But Elijah kidnapped Hayley to make her happy"

Hope rested her chin on Camille's chest "But Mammy won't be happy away from me"

Cami answered thoughtfully "But Mammy will definitely talk to us on the phone a lot.. She can't do without you"

Hope licked her lips and said in a tone that she inherited from Klaus with pride "Next time I see uncle Elijah.. I'm going to cast a spell on him that will make him suffer so much.. Daddy told me he'd help me find one"

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