Chapter 8

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The next day I grabbed my satchel, my favorite ax, and my saddle and set out with Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Fishlegs, Snotlout, Minden, Gustav, and my mom and my dad. Dad wasn't thrilled that I was coming.

"You need all the help that you can get," I said pointing behind them. Sharklegs, Huffnut, Spearlout, Vinna, and Nuffink were all coming too. "Let's do this!" I shouted as we all got into the boat and when we did I think I saw my dad smile a little.

Unfortunately, it was very squished in the boat that my 4 friends, my brother, and I all fit in and now there are 14 of us.

"Hey, I just had a great idea, let's take two boats that are bigger too," Snotlout suggested sarcastically.

"Great idea dad," Spearlout said. No one said anything else, because who wanted to agree with Snotlout?

So we set off again with my family, the boys, Fishlegs and Eret in one boat and Snotlout, Spearlout, the twins, and Minden and Vinna in the other.

My family and friends knew the way but it was the first time Dad's riders ever went. When we got to the rocky outskirts of the Hidden Word, we got out of the boat and started calling the names of our dragons. Our dragons came quickly and were protective of us towards my parents and the others. Wow, they are that bonded to us. Well, they better get used to us not coming very often. My smile disappeared at the thought. Soon all the dragons were there and it was a very happy reunion for everyone.

Nicolly had already gone to Wing Maiden Island and was going to meet us at Berk. There were 11 dragons, 14 of us, Nicolly and Shard, and whatever help was brought.

"Hopefully there is already a shipment of dragons," my dad whispered under his breath as he put his saddle on Toothless.

"Why?" I asked.

"Then if we free them, they might help us," he explained. Just like when I freed Nightstar. She let me have a ride home. Wow, it has been weeks since I've met her, and I have only ridden on her some of those days, but I feel like I've known her longer.

"Ok, let's go," announced my dad. I got on Nightstar and she launched into the air, as did everyone else. She knew where Berk was so I just told her to go to Berk and she turned around. We did tricks and turns on the way. After a while, she got tired and started to soar next to Toothless and my dad.

"Don't think I don't love flying too." My dad was smiling. He must have been behind me and watching Nightstar and me. I knew that he loved flying with Toothless. He and Toothless, flying as one, shot ahead.

"Let's get Nightstar!" She roared and went faster. It feels so good to be flying with all the dragon riders.

Once we all got to the rock formation, we started to make more of the plan. We would split up and take down different parts of the operation. Then hopefully, Nicolly and the backup would take out any ships that they came across and join in.

"Ok, we just need to bring the fire down on them. Destroy them as much as possible." My dad gave orders. "Gang, you know what to do," he said to his dragon riders. They all nodded, mounted their dragons, and got into position.

"Nuffink and Vinna, free as many dragons as you can from the ships, and show them how to blow up these hunters. Sharklegs, Huffnut, and Spearlout. Blow up as many buildings as you can and find where they are keeping most of the dragons.

As they flew away, I could hear Snotlout say, "Just like old times, eh Hooky?"

As they all left, dad held me back. "Zephyr, you have to become a protector, a leader to the dragon riders, and a friend to the dragons if these missions are going to go well. Also, go help Vinna and your brother with the ships," he said. He smiled reassuringly as we both mounted our dragons to go help our friends and lead them to victory.



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