chapter 01 : why are you here?

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Authors note

Guys this is the first book I've ever published , and in all honesty I fear of what yall might think of it and main reasons I used the names that are in this book for all the females is because I hit a blank on creativity for the names. It was not ment or aimed at any specific females in this world , I just chose names . Sorry if I offended anyone , it was not my intention. None the less  I hope you enjoy !!!! Important info the scene in this book is a house in Secunda ( a town in Mpumalanga , South Africa )



It was a rainy summer's night in November. The thunder roared as the rain continued to pour . Busisa (pronounced Boo - si sa ) had been patiently  waiting  for her husband James . Tonight was the night when he was to come back from his trip to Scotland ; she was quite excited  to see him . Not only because it had been difficult  to sleep knowing he was not with her but because she had learned to only trust him , her mother and her cousin in this unpromising  life .

Her and James have been married for six  years , together for nine ( she's 27 and he's 29 . You'd  think him being gone for five months would not affect her all that much but she has always loved James to the point where others say its unhealthy . Not taking what others say to heart  she sat down on her couch with a warm cup of tea and a chocolate  muffin .

Just when she was about to turn the TV on to watch 'The oval'  the doorbell  rings . With a smile on her face she walks over to the door expecting  her husband . She opens the door only to find a woman a bit taller than her  ( 5'0 ft -152 cm )  dressed in a black hoodie and blue jeans with black ankle boots . Her raven black  hair appearing from under the hoodie , along with her light pink lips .

Busisa 's POV:

Before I could even utter a single word , she softly spoke , " Mrs. Bailey , may I please come in ." Reluctantly  I moved aside to let her walk in ; she took her shoes of and placed them near the door before walking towards the kitchen . She sat down by  the island and removed her hoodie . I was then met with a beautiful pair of blue eyes sparkling under the white lights  . Mesmerized I glared for a bit too long . Her eyes met mine and she smiled , " Thank you ma'am people always praise me for the colour of my eyes ." I instantly dart my eyes to the floor . Looking back up to her I asked , " why are you here in my house and what is your name ? "

"My name is Sapphire and I'm hear to warn you , there are four men coming and just know what they never go anywhere with good intentions.  The shortest one is the most dangerous out of the lot of them he- "
Just as she was about continue , the doorbell rang ,her eyes widened with her breaths  becoming rugged and fast . "What's wro-" before I could say anything else she cut me of , " They're here ." She spoke in a whisper while squeezing my hand . The question is ; who are they ?

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