chapter 8 : Ram

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Authors note

This chapter contains slight smut scenes and references to astrology as well as violence so if you find these topics offensive please don't bother reading the chapter


Arny's POV:

Seeing as all the idiots in this house are oblivious to the fact that , there are only 3 days left till Busisa's birthday . I've taken it upon myself to do something special for her . Knowing that she loves her starsighn and she is obsessed with the combo of black & gold ; I plan on having a surprise party for her . Problems are Danny told me she hates surprises. He made it clear that she gets very aggressive when people try to surprise her. This will be a very fun challenge.

I had already gotten Danny , William, Brandon , myself and James suits fitted and made . Surprisingly enough I had also gotten Chloë a dress as well , James had insisted we invite Amanda as well . I didnt see a problem with it so I added her to the guest list . This was going to be fun .

Danny's POV:

I'm not sure if I'm missing something but if I am then it will come to me . It's been 2 weeks since I walked in on Amanda and James . I wonder if that cazzo has told Busisa about his affair with Amanda . If he hasn't then I will , and in all honesty it's not out of spite it's because she deserves to know .

Just as I finish my morning coffie , I remembered that it's almost my little aries birthday . Well referring to Busisa . Checking the date seeing that there's only 3 days left till her birthday ; I began to panic . I haven't done anything or gotten her anything for her birthday . " Merda." I mutted softly . Whatever I'm going to get her has to be something grand . I want to make sure she remembers my gift . She's mine after all , what belongs to me is treated with respect and like royalty.

William's POV:

Walking into the kitchen I saw Danny leaning against the counter , it seemed as if he were in his own world . He had a worried look on his face . It seemed as if he wanted to punched a wall ; but he was constipated at the same time . In a way it was funny seeing him like this .

I left Danny to overthink whatever he was thinking about . Walking up the stairs , I was greated with the sound of what seemed like music . The words were in a language I've only heard when Busisa is trying to explain something and no one gets it .

Eventually they began playing music with words in a language I've only heard her speak when angry . Though that had only happened on 2 occasions in the 6 months we've been here one was when Danny called her dog a stupid son of a cagna , and she snapped at him . To be fair though , I don't blame him the little pig was beginning to become anoying with the non stop barking .

The second being when I accidentally tripped her 3 week ago and she landed face first on Danny's knee which left her with a bloody nose . The doctor said she broke it and it would heal in 4 weeks . Being that it's almost healed she can enjoy her birthday in peace . Maybe that why danny was overthinking , he forgot it was in 3 days time .

I opened the door to the main bedroom , James no where to be found . Chloë and Busisa were buisy changing the curtains and putting in new sheets . I'd only noticed just now that the music they were playing was much louder than I thought .

I caught Busisa crying a couple of times , but she'd mask it with a smile everytime any of us came close . I think she's found out about James and Amanda , because Chloë had started becoming very short tempered when around James or Amanda . I think I smell a fight and all I know is there's going to be blood and hair everywhere .

My unexpected visitor (dannyphantom.exe , brandonthelover, Williampapa , birlap)Where stories live. Discover now