Background work

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Fellow-20 tried his best to keep up once the door was destroyed, yet they knew that eventually they would have to split off anyway, considering that Deimos mentioned something from the mining system or similar to that close to it once they got the sheriff, who they hoped for had at least SOME directions and indications of what Project Nexus even IS...they may have to cross some buildings for it though, theyll see, appearantly Deimos worked in Nexus City once too, Under which conditions and what kind of clone work specifically was still a mystery to them. Hey, at least Deimos promised them that "I will tell you later about that, not in the right place to chitchat right now". For now they had to be in the back, defend and then get across nexus city from building to building, making sure the streets and buildings down break over the mine that Deimos and Sanford were heading to. They sure as hell didnt want to be down there anyway, they remembered the zeds and swamp zeds roaming the place, disgusting beings. 

They wanted to catch up with Hank later, who probably did his own tasks...if he even had those...the guy usually plays by his own rules, not that anyone WANTS to tell him what to do or wants to stand in that demons ways. That was a fatal mistake alltogether.

Anyway, focus! They had to get to the sheriff first! The constant running made them tired but they kept up, staying in the back and shooting with a Nevadian Defender they took with them, making sure that they went the right way.

"Hey kid! Text the provider and ask em if they have any idea what kind of things roam this building!" Sanford called out as his hook impaled another grunt who was screaming like a pig impaled on a spear.
"On It!" they laid one of their hands off from their weapon and let it dangle downwards in their free hand.

User 20: We got through. Sanford is asking for what kind of enemies roam the place.
Diss3nt3r3d: Its to early for the Nexus Core, expect the usual working class, perhaps some fled factory workers. Yet since Hank is barging through the streets of the city, possibility is high for th AAHW to show their faces, keep your guards up.


"Usual Grunts n factory workers! Maybe AAHW agents yet they arent sure!" 20 called out over the loud gunfire in the foreground.  This is something they are long used to so they know at which volume the 2 can hear them.
"GOT IT!" Deimos replied as he charged forward with his shotgun, looks like theyll have to fight their way in from here on out. 
Well at least it was better than vent crawling.


"How are they progressing?" A similar figure, stepped inside a room with a tall figure, draped in shadows as the room was dark, sitting infront of  computer, a map of Nexus city displayed on it.
"Rather successfully for the moment. I presumed they would have more turbulence." The figure replied as one of its clawed hands, its right one with a tattoo on the hands back seeminly going up its arm, pointed at 3 dots at the screen.
"Your little murder mashine is over there." The thing moved its claw to point at another red dot that was further away and seemingly moved faster.
"Good to hear that there are not many complications right now and everything is as it should. I have gotten a report from Hank stating that the sheriff is alive and may know some information." the shorter of the 2 replied, red visors shielding his face as his arms were crossed. 
"The sheriff. All he knows is not of much impact, nothing we dont know already...yet The others may not. We will see how it will turn out." The taller figure replied as it retracted its arm and began switching through camera views, switching through cameras that were still..semi functional in Nexus city. "You may want to order them to keep the sheriff alive, perhaps he may know how to avoid the zed subjects on the streets." It added.
"Not to idiotic of an idea, i will get to it. Remember your objective, guide them and reveal nothing." The smaller figure began walking out of the room they were just in.
"...Of course 2BDamned, I am a man of my promises." The taller figure replied before Doc left the room entirely.


How can it be so hard to advance when they arent even deep in the city yet? 
Blood is dripping off all three of them as the sheriff was hiding behind boxes on the other side of the building, they found out a way to get damage the sheriff, their timings only a little off.
"COME ON! DO IT RIGHT ALREADY!" 20 impatiently shouted as they impaled the head of another grunt on their bowie knife they carried around as a melee weapon. 

After what felt like 10 minutes to them, the 2 finally managed the timing and hit the sheriff with a box of gun powder. 
Seems like the guy finally got pissed enough to take this outside, finally, some actual fight with the damn cowboy....Only not...he ran away..again, let his goons fight. This is starting to piss 20 off majorly at this point. They just want this over with, the mission is far from over.

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