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𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘹𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯

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𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘹𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯

𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘹𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯

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It's was a normal Wednesday. Suna y/n sleep peacefully, without someone bothering her but she didn't notice someone watching her with adoring look

Haitani Rindou look at her like she's a beautiful art in the world. Of course this didn't goes unnoticed by the class

"Hey Haitani" Rindou snapped from y/n and look at his classmate, "what?"

"you should take a picture. It will last long." Rindou quiet for a moment, then he take out his phone and take pictures of y/n

His classmates watch Haitani Rindou in disbelief, they can't believe he actually listen to them and they can't believe the Haitani Rindou is actually listen to them

"Hey Haitani..are you okay?" Rindou look at his classmates with blank face, he puts his finger on his mouth, "Shushh"

His classmates vigorously nodded and walk back to their seat's, "is he sick or something?" his two friends only shake their head and shrugged

Then the bell ringing, as the door slide open by the teacher, which make Suna y/n quickly woke up as Haitani Rindou also quickly sit back on his seat as if he didn't do anything 

"Good morning, class" the teacher grinned happily, more like she's trying to hide her evil smirk which make her students scared. 

"I have a good surprise for you all!"

"please don't tell it is what it is." y/n muttured quitely but Rindou still heard it and confused what she's talking about 

"Next week, we have final exam!!" this announcement make the students groaned and some of them already crying and Suna y/n is one of them, meanwhile Haitani Rindou looks like relax about it—

"Good luck!! and study hard!!" with that the teacher leave the class go disaster. 

"fuck my life."


Lunch time 

y/n didn't have any appetite anymore because the announcement repeat like a broken tape in her head. 

She groaned and slammed her her on the desk, she didn't realized Rindou walking toward her with food on his hands

He grabs his chair and sit in front of her, he put the foods on her desk. y/n glanced up to look who just sat in front her and revealing Rindou. She didn't have any mood to deal with his bullshit today, she slammed her head again on the deak 

"go away. I don't want deal with your bullshit today." y/n said as Rindou didn't say anything

"Do you want me help you study?" that question make y/n quickly look at Rindou, "you? help me study?" RIndou nodded, y/n stare at him before she laughed

"you should care about yourself first. I bet you gonna fail too" y/n said as she calm down, "Hey Suna," her classmate called her 


"you might want Haitani help you because he's one of the smart student in this class." this make y/n eyes went wide and she look at Rindou 

You hear it right. Haitani Rindou is one of smart student in his class even though in reality he's a delinquent and stupid. Of course our female lead didn't know about this. 

"If you don't me to help you, it's okay though—" Rindou got cut off when y/n suddenly grabs his wrist, "NO! PLEASE HELP ME! I DON'T WANT MY MOM TAKE MY PHONE!" y/n begged, this make Rindou smirk in victory

Oh, if you wondering, y/n's mom sometimes visit her and always threats her if she fail on any paper exam, she will go to her apartment like the Flash take her phone for 1 month and of course y/n can't live without her phone.

"Sure, I can help you." this make y/n eyes sprakling, "but in one condition." and this make y/n groaned, of course he gonna take advantage in situation like this

"what is it?"

Rindou leaned close to her, "Go date with me." y/n leaned close and their nose touching, "And if I don't want go date with you?"

"Then say bye bye to your phone"

They didn't realize that the whole class gasped and some of them is screaming, 'DID YOU FEEL AND SEE THE TENSION?' 'OF COURSE DUDE! I'M NOT BLIND YET—'

"If I pass though but deal." y/n smirk as Rindou smirk back, and he sat back on his seat, 

"Oh, i buy your f/f."


"And don't forget to pay me back."

"fuck you—"

"fuck you—"

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