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𝘊𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘩 𝘞𝘢𝘳

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𝘊𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘩 𝘞𝘢𝘳.

𝘊𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘩 𝘞𝘢𝘳

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haitani rindou still remember the confession, the kiss, the chaos, and everything he could remember.

the confession towards his first love. It was not so romantic but yet it was beautiful. He loved it.

suna y/n...ah, the name of his first love, his girlfriend, the girl made him over head heels for her, his everything. he thought the girl would stay with him as a girlfriend but too bad.

She became his ex-girlfriend.

surprise? wait. don't be mad at me yet 😻


Right now, Rindou's drinking with the bonten executives. Without pay any mind to the woman who on his lap, seductively whispering at his ear. As if the man want to pay attention to her bleh.

Haitani ran look at his brother with disappointed look. He can't believe it. Plus kakucho who shook his head in disbelief.

The bitch getting annoying, rindou tried to push the bitch away but the woman eventually sat back on his lap. Then he just ignore the woman and continue chatting with bonten executives, slightly feel drunk after drinking too much.

This problem might cause a real big problem later.

Then ran and kakucho notice someone standing exactly not too far from behind rindou. This made ran want to laugh his ass off as kakucho tried his best to stay calm.

kokonoi hajime notice ran expression and asked him, what is it about, then ran only point behind rindou. This cause kokonoi also want to laugh but hold it after he saw the person behind rindou.

All of sudden, rindou's phone ringing, make all of them look at him, expecting the jellyfish looking man to answer it but meh he hang it up without even looking at the contact. The three men shook their head;

'what a big mistake.'

Then suddenly rindou and the bitch got hit by slippers to their head.

Well damn, double headshot.

The bitch angrily stood up, to face the person who threw slippers at her and Rindou, it was a beautiful woman who had sleepy face but angry clearly can be seen on her face.

"you! How dare you throw those slippers at us! Do you even know who is he?! He can kill you right here now, you know!"

Stop it girl, you give us second-hand embarrassment.

The beautiful woman only stare at the hoe, boredly and unamused, but kinda annoying by the high pitch tone, "ah him? Of course i know him."

This made rindou finally want to stood up and turned around, and it was a bad idea as the hoe hug rindou's arm, "rindou-kun! Please kill this ugly woman! She really annoyed me!" she whined

This made the beautiful woman look at the bitch in disgust, 'too much headache and déjà vu. And bitch, have you seen my genes?'

Meanwhile rindou, his face really paled. really paled like an A4 paper, "Hi n/n!" he greeted not so cheerfully the h/c woman who had another slipper in her hand as her free hand on her waist

"what?! Who the hell are you?!"

The woman only smirked, "n/n, what are doing here? Aren't you supposed to rest at home right now? Are you actually here to visit me?! Aww, you're so sweet—"

"well, who are you?" the woman asked, cut off rindou persuading

"i'm (random name), future girlfriend of Haitani Rindou and maybe will become his wife—" again, the woman cut off the bitch's speech

"nah girl, shut ya goofy ass up."

then the woman wink and smirk at the Bonten executives, "what's up y'all it's your girl, y/n!"

the bonten executives happily greeted the woman back, made rindou look at y/n, "what about me?"

the h/c woman rolled her eyes, "what about you? you can continue drinking and don't even dreaming about to sleep with me tonight."

then she turned to the bitch, "and for your question, i'm that jellyfish looking ass guy's wife. haitani y/n or more known as suna y/n."

yup, you heard her right. From suna y/n to haitani y/n.

actually, rindou being so dramatic about her not stay as his girlfriend. It's obviously because she became his beautiful, hot, gorgeous, stunning, lovely wife.

everytime rindou introduced y/n, he will say that she's his ex-girlfriend. it become a habit for her to correct him.

y/n know it's already epilogue but he don't have being so dramatic about it. it's not like she was died or something.

then y/n throw again her slippers at the bitch and rindou, before walk away. she just wants to go home and sleep.

of course rindou chase after her like he's in a drama but not before told his brother to kill the bitch for being rude to his lovely wife.

he's actually a simp for his wife. the power y/n hold bro.

     the relationship between haitani rindou and suna y/n really healthy but not normal. they still fight like they were in highschool. but at the end they'll cuddle. craving for each other's warms.

     if you want to know, their wedding kind of a chaos too. when suna y/n and haitani rindou kiss, their friends, family goes crazy. oh, they even invited the cool principal and the librarian.

     of course the cool principal made live for dear shippers.

      by the way, like our suna y/n said before, haitani rindou really slept outside. no matter how hard rindou begging her to let him in.

      haitani rindou from hate to head over heel for his wife and suna y/n still the same like she were in highschool, love teasing her husband.

     see how love can come in any ways? people always say don't hate too much or you eventually will love them.



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