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𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯

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𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯

It's the last day of exam week and it's the last paper

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It's the last day of exam week and it's the last paper. There's only a few minutes left before the teacher collect the papers exam.

Haitani Rindou already finish so early because of his smart brain for once again, meanwhile Suna y/n was sleeping. Yup, she finish early because it's her favourite subject. She felt like very lucky because the last paper is her favourite subject. 

Rindou just stare at y/n's sleeping face. He really can't stop looking at her beautiful face. Then the teacher look at the clock that at the wall, "Okay, times up! you can put down your pencil now."with that y/n opened her eyes and make eye contact with Rindou. y/n just realized that Haitani Rindou's eyes is so beautiful.

"I'll collect your paper now!" the teacher added, make the teenagers snapped from the eye contact as they felt that their face heated up and they also felt butterflies in their stomach. And the teacher will just pretend that she didn't see anything. She can't to gossip this to another teachers if i may add.

The teacher finish collecting the papers, "Okay class, I'll see you guys next week!" with that the teacher exited the class. 

The students just stayed at their seat's before jumping in happiness, "FREEDOM!!!" they quickly packing up their things and go home. 

y/n was about to leave the class but suddenly someone pull back her bag, she turned around and saw Rindou who stood before her, "Let me walk home with you. It's not like I want walk together with you— it's just i thought that maybe some creeps or maybe my enemies will bother you or something— so I can beat them up."

y/n just look at him blankly before slyly smirk and walk, "Just say that you like me, Rindou." 

As his name escape from her mouth, there's a big posibility that there's a whole zoo in Haitani Rindou's stomach. Then, he snapped and catch up with her. 

"I didn't say anything about I like you. I just want to punch some bastards." 

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever make you sleep at night."

'And you're the reason why I can't sleep at night.'


A week later

The teacher entered the class with papers on her hands and evil smirk on her face. Of course that cause' her students scared and wondering why their teacher had that smirk again. 

"Hello my dear students. I have a big surprise for you guys!" that make the whole class curious. Then the teacher show the papers to the class, "Taada! This is your results for your exam last week!"

The whole class froze on their seat's. They thought they won't get the results until next week but seems like the subject teachers too excited to give them the results. 

"Come to me and take your result when I call your name! Okay, Suzuka-san..." the teacher  call the students name one by one meanwhile Suna y/n shaking on her seat as Haitani Rindou seems like too excited?

"Haitani-san" Rindou stood up and walk toward the teacher. He walk back to his seat with natural face. He's not excited about his result. 

"Suna-san" y/n froze before stood up and robotically walk toward the teacher. She walk back to her seat with blank face that masked her scared face. She still not ready to see her result. Is she gonna fail? Is her mom going to take her phone? y/n gasped, Or is her mom going take her Omi away from her?! No, no, she won't let her mom take her precious fox away from her. 

y/n take a deep a breathe before slowly opened her eyes and look at her result. Her eyes went wide, so wide. She can't believe wit the result on her hand right now. Her eyes just focus on the result until she didn't notice that her teacher already leave the class. 

She stood up, and look at Rindou who already look at her, "Did you fail or something?" the blonde-blue male asked and the h/c female didn't answer him 

Rindou didn't get to react anything when y/n suddenly hug him, "Thanks to you, i didn't fail this time." 

She break the hug, "Now i need to rub this to Yuuji, Nobara and Megumi face. I bet they will surprise. Then I need to rub this to my mom face. I'll see you later Rindou" y/n said before she run out from the class

"That's so out of her character, right Haitani?" one of his classmate asked, he look at Rindou and froze, "Bro— are you okay!? Are you sick!?" Yes, my dear readers, our Haitani Rindou in blushing mess since y/n hugged him. 

"she just hug me..."


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