𝗵𝗲'𝘀 𝗴𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘄𝗲𝗶𝗿𝗱

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𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺-𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦

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𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘺-𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦

The Haitani Brothers go to school like usual

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The Haitani Brothers go to school like usual. With their fangirls surrounding around them. They greeted them with their usual lazy smirk and blank face.

Then Suna y/n suddenly appears out of nowhere, walk pass them with earphone on her ears. She don't want to hear any scream today.

Rindou of course saw her, his eyes watch her walk away as his cheeks red. This didn't go unnoticed by one of the fangirls, she told her friend, "RINDOU-SENPAI JUST STARE AT Y/N-SENPAI?! WHY YOU TOLD ME NOW?! I WANT WITNESS IT WITH MY OWN EYES!" the friend yelled out loudly, the others people around them who heard it, fangirling make Rindou died in embarrassment as Ran only chuckled at his little brother which he got yelled.

For your guys information, the Haitani Brothers' fangirls was also y/n and Rindou shippers. I'm glad that I'm the principal lmao.


At the class

Suna y/n stare at outside, thinking if she should eat or not later when recess. If she eat, her money will flay and if she don't eat, she will get hungry. Maybe she will just buy chuupet or also known as jelly fruit stick today. She and her favourite and only favourite cousin really like the food.

Rindou who just arrived in the class saw y/n who stare at outside with her usual blank and sleepy face as the sunlight- ah..the sunlight decide to become a main character too today. He froze on his feet, 'why the fuck she is so beautiful? Is it because of her generations?'

He go sit at his own seat and y/n finally notice his presence, she lazily waved and greeted him but he only look down at his desk.

Then he suddenly stood up and walk out from the class which left y/n in confusion, 'why he getting more weird lately?'

Their classmates know what is going on look at each other with knowing look as they smile. They always know what's going on.


At the caferia

Rindou as usual with eat with his brother and his gang.

While eating, he secretly- not so secretly searching for the h/c female. He saw her friends but he didn't see her.

Then he continue find her and of course his big brother notice it. Nothing he can hide from Haitani Ran.

"Hey Rin, did you searching for her?" the older asked more like a teasing, as the younger immediately denied, "I'm not searching for her"

"are you sure?~" then the whole gang start to tease him too. Rindou hide his read from them, this is the second time that he got exposed. Is him that obvious?!

Then Izana say something unexpected, "Go find her." Rindou immeadiately stood up, and bow before he run off to find the h/c female.

The gang look at their leader with wide eyes, as Izana look at them with raised eyebrow, "What? I ship them too okay? So I want my ship sail." They all nodded in understanding and continue eat their food.

Haitani Rindou goes to the infirmary first and ask the nurse if Suna y/n is here but the nurse who y/n see as sister said she didn't come here. Rindou thanked the nurse and bow before he go to the classroom.

When he arrived in the class, she's not there either. Then the last place the blond-blue male can think is the rooftop.

Then he arrived at the rooftop, he finally found her and y/n immediately sense someone presence, "Who is it?"

The highschool boy flinched then he show himself, the h/c girl turned her head at him, Suna y/n smile for the first time on that day, "just like I thought, it was you." she said before turned her head to the front

Rindou don't know if he's blushing because of the girl's smile or the weather. He took a deep breath and calm himself before he sat beside the girl, "how does you know it was me?"

The Suna girl only shrugged, "my heart told me it was you. Anyway, why are you getting weird lately than before?"

Rindou's hand start to sweating, is him that obvious?!

"I know you almost two years of course I notice your weird behaviour bro." y/n said as Rindou irked, "Don't call me bro. I'm not your brother."

"oh okay bro."

"stop it."

"Okay I'll stop it bro <3"

Rindou look at the h/c female, "Hey.." y/n turned her head to him, "you look..." Rindou face start to getting red again as the highschool raise her right eyebrow, "you look so ugly."

y/n blinked many times, "Thank you?..." the blond-blue male faceplam himself, "Here eat this." The h/c girl gave the boy her half eat chuupet

Rindou was about to ask her why she give this half eat food to him but the girl shushed him, "Let me use your shoulder." y/n said as she lay her head on the boy shoulder.

It only took two minutes to the girl to fall asleep. Rindou who in blushing mess, slowly push the girl's head to his lap.

Then the boy eat the half eat chuupet while playing y/n's hair;

"This food is not bad."


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