chapter twentythree

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It's coming to the end of summer now and I can say that this summer has been the best ever. I have found myself the man of my dreams and I am having a baby. Me and Danny Are better then ever and I'm complete over whelmed with the amount of stress this baby is giving me. At first I think the pregnancy is just overwhelming me and I need to chill. Danny thinks that I'm uncomfortable with the whole thing and Jess, she still isn't a show. I am beginning to believe that she's on a hunt to find herself.

Me and Danny are doing great and the little kicker inside of me is powering through. Callum hasn't been in touch since I told Danny about what happened. I've told Danny to talk to him, I mean he is his older brother that has been there for him since he was kid. Something so stupid shouldn't tear them up. Danny still doesn't know about my new job, I guess it slipped my mind. Since all we've been doing is having sex.

It's basically a dance routine now, he's my partner and I'm his leader. Seems Dominant. I'm all for a bit of slapping now and then but for the time being I'm happy being satisfied normally. Danny has yet to mention about his band. I've asked time and time if he'll start it back up once the baby has come, but this time obviously I'm going with. He says that it's out of his system and he just wants to focus on me and the baby. I love him so much. It's Thursday afternoon and I'm excited about later. Me and Danny are going baby shopping.

I am now twenty weeks along, I'm so excited for the baby to come. We still don't know the sex of the baby and haven't chosen a name yet, it's all exciting to think about it. It's a dream that I've finally found someone and I'm having a baby.

During this pregnancy Danny has mentioned anything about us. We have moved in together but I'm concerned with what will happen after the baby is here. I would marry Danny if he asked me but I don't want to marry him if it's only because of the baby.

At the estimated time of half two I am waiting in the doctors for an check up to see if our baby is good and healthy. At what I thought would be a quick in and out Danny has me worrying about other stuff. Today we are going to find out the sex of the baby. It's frightening when you think about it. I say to myself it's going to be a girl, but then it's going to be a boy. What if they are the same. Oh my god I'm giving birth to an alien.

When we walk into the doctors office hand in hand that is, the doctor is surprised to see me with a man. That is because I said the father was unknown. It's not at all lies, when you think about it. Let's just say it is and be on with our lives. I untie my shoes like the doctor asks and take off my jacket, handing Danny all the crap. He sits at the chair beside the bed and leans in to be nosy. I try breathing to calm myself.

"Everything is going to be fine babe" Danny says to assure me.

"I know. It's just a big change" I tell him and he takes my hand in his.

The nurse lifts up my top and rubs some clear jello gel on my stomach. It's cold, great now I'm shivering. She then gets the scanner and places it onto my stomach and starts to move it around. The monitor that is above my head starts to beep and making weird motion sounds. It lands onto a black and white shadow, that's our baby. Danny is leaning in more to see our beautiful baby. I can't hold the emotion in and I start to cry, Danny notices and leans down to kiss my head.

"That's out little kid" Danny says.

The nurse is smiling at us "it's healthy by the looks of things and very happy where it is" she says.

"Can we know the sex of the baby yet" I ask.

"Your having a little baby boy, congratulations. I'm going to give you a minute and print you a picture off" she says while getting up and walking out of the door.

"We're having a boy" I say to Danny who is still looking at the monitor.

"Thanks god, I don't think I could deal with a girl" he say laughing.

We laugh all happily until the nurse comes back with two photos for us, she fills out a form for us to give in at the reception. When we walk out of the doctors we head to Danny's car which is full of baby stuff. I look up at him and start laughing.

"Maybe we should change some of the pink to blue huh" I say to him and he burst out laughing.

When we arrive at home, Danny's that is. The front door is open and Danny motions for me to wait outside of the apartment. I wait outside and Danny goes in. Has someone broke in, or is it a friend. After five minutes Danny strides past me.

"It's for you, call me when your done" he says and disappears into the lift.

What, I don't understand. I walk to the open door and step inside. I'm scared to go down these stairs. When I do I'm annoyed more then anything. Callum is sitting in Danny's couch. He sees me and stands up.

"What do you want" I ask.

"I need to speak to you" he says.

"Ok, what is it" I ask him with lack of concern.

"I'm going away for a bit. I don't really see the point in staying here" he says.

"Why not, Danny's here and your parents" I add.

"My parents are pissed at me and Danny would prefer it if I never came back" he says honestly.

"So why are you here" I ask him again.

"I'm going to New Jersey, I got a job offer over there. I don't know how I am feeling about it. It just seems like an easy escape. But I want to know before I go. Should I stay, maybe you could give me a reason to" he asks.

He wants to know if I have feeling for him, if I want him to stay. But I don't, I don't have a reason other then Danny and his parents. What do I tell him. He's standing there waiting for an answer, say something Ana.

"Callum, the only reason you should stay is because Danny is here and your parents are here. And your nephew" I add.

He looks up at me "and what about his mum, does she want me to stay" he asks.

"His mum, wants for you to be happy. But his mum is also happy. I'm happy with Danny and my feeling for him are never going to change. I will never have the strongest feelings for you. Danny is the one, he always will be and always has been" I say to him.

He signs "I guess I should go then" he say to me.

I nod and he walks over to the steps. He stops and turns back to me.

"If Danny never had come back, would there be a chance for us" he asks.

"Maybe, but that would be wrong because I'm in love with Danny" I say and he nods toward me and walks up the stairs.

After leaves he makes sure to leave Danny's key on the table. I take my jacket off and call Danny. He answers in a ruffle and tells me he's on his way. I make two cups of tea before he turns up asking questions. I sit on the couch and wait for him to come home.

When he does get home he looks down at me from the top of the stairs. He just stares at me and doesn't say anything. He takes his jacket off and walks down the stairs. When he gets down he still hasn't said anything. He stand in front of me.

"What are you going to do Ana" he asks.

"What" i asks him.

"Are you going back to him" he asks.

"No, he's leaving. He wanted a reason for him to stay" I tell him.

"What reason did you give him" he asks.

"I told him that the only reason he has to stay is you and his family"

"You need to pick Ana. Me or him" he says.

Is he for real, aren't I telling him without words that it's him. I begin to laugh and he raises his eyebrows.

"I already have you doorknob. It's you now, shut up and order me some pizza. Maybe KFC too" I ask.

He just stares at me and bursts out laughing "ok, mam. And I'm glad that it's me" he says grabbing his phone and joining me on the couch.

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