chapter twenty-four

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It's not always that I look in the mirror and start judging myself like I did before I met Danny. But lately that's all I've been doing, watching myself move scared that I'm going to screw everything that I love up. I'm scared that Danny will eventually turn to me and speak the truth to me. Then there is other days where I'm like screw it. I'm fat and I have a hot toy boy.

The baby has grown so much, I think I'm 18 weeks now. Danny has already made the nursery up in the spare bedroom that he has in his apartment. It was his personal gym, but he gave that up when I told him he was going to be a dad.

Jess has been better then usual. Her ex husband has stopped calling her and I'm glad. She seriously needs to stay away from that ass hole of a man. That messed up cheating, back stabbing knob.

Callum has disappeared to god only knows where. Danny still isn't speaking to him and I feel guilty that I broke up their bromance. I should have never slept with him, that was a huge mistake. Bad Ana. If only I knew that he was lying to me and he never stopped loving me. But stupid me didn't believe him.

After what seemed like ages of still convincing Danny that it was him I wanted I think we had a break through.

"Will you listen to me you sack of shit, I love your sorry ass ok" I say to him.

He smirks at me "ok, I believe you"

Thank fuck. I'm sick of telling that guy.

Settling in at Danny's was better then I expected. Karen stopped by a few times to see if we needed anything, but I couldn't even smile at her. She hurt my best friend, how can I trust her around Danny. Danny has tried to convince me that she's different and I get jealous and we end up arguing and I run off to the bedroom.

"Why are you sticking up for her, do you still have feelings for her" I ask him.

"what, no. Your being paranoid" He says getting annoyed at me.

"She hurt my best friend and all you keep telling me is give her a break" I scream at him.

"I just think your being a bitch, that's all" He says to me.

"You do still have feelings for her. have her then" I scream and storm off into the bedroom.

Lately this pregnancy has given me vile mood swings that I can't control. I scream at Danny all the time and I hate when I do it. But it's like I can't stop. Everything I do seems to not be good enough for him at the moment. I speak to Jess about it and she thinks it's perfectly normal for me to be reacting this way. I mean I am pregnant.

"It's just your mood swings, I'm sure Danny understands that some woman do get snappy when carrying a baby" She says on the other end of the phone.

"Maybe your right" I say walking out of the bedroom and making my way in the living area.

When I walk in Danny is standing by thee stairs and Karen is hugging him. I knew I should have just let this go, but I was jealous.

"What the fuck are you doing" I scream at both of them.

"Ana, listen to me" Danny says moving away from Karen.

Sorry that it is short, I felt like I needed to do an update because I have left it too long. They will get better.

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