Chapter Six: The Long Road Ahead

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After two days of consideration, I decide to tag alongside Oraya's army instead of going alone with Ulrika through hostile lands. Oraya is moving her army north within the next few days. Under our King Menassah's order, the Kromagian troops will maintain the peace here in Galfalian and Stoneglen with a portion of the succubus army.

I gather our horses outside Haleema's tent while Ulrika checks our bedroom for anything we forgot to pick up. After a minute or so, she walks out empty-handed. I triple-check everything on our horses. All items seem to be accounted for, but one important piece comes to mind.

"Do you have your ring?" I say. She removes her glove to show me the ring.

"It was the first thing I made sure I had," she says.

"I'm ready," I say with my hand out to Ulrika while I keep a hold of the reins of her horse. "I've made my decision."

"Good," Ulrika says as she takes the reins. "What have you decided?"

"Option two," I say.

"Wonderful," she scorns in a light gag. "More time with these people." When she says these people, she nods toward a couple of succubus soldiers walking away from us. "Why must you do this to me?"

"Would you rather be alone in a country we do not know that's occupied by Nite?"

"Yes," she answers without hesitation. "It's the better choice."

"How?" I ask, jumping into the saddle of my horse. "That sounds dangerous and reckless."

"Kaioson," she sighs with one hand aggressively rubbing her forehead. "Do you want to participate in more battles?" She catches herself when the volume in her voice increases. I take a moment to think about that possibility. Dealing with another fight doesn't sit well with me. If I continue with option two, there might be a greater chance something will happen to us. "I can see it in your face. You don't want that... You're not a soldier."

"I know. You don't have to remind me."

"I will continue to remind you because you think this is okay," she says, inching closer to me by moving her horse sideways. I'm confounded but not mad by the level of concern. She's exposing how hypocritical I am acting right now. "We're going alone together, and that's final." She keeps her eyes on me as if she's waiting for me to say something.

"What?" I chuckle.

"I... uh... I thought you were going to challenge my decision."

"Why should I? I trust your wisdom." Now she's the speechless one. "Do you have an alternative route to the north?"

"I do. I've memorized a second route. Are you ready for the long journey?"

"Let's go." The second we hit the city streets, Haleema surprises me through telepathic communication.

"I assume you're on the hunt again, yes?" Haleema says.

"That's correct." I casually look around to see where she's located but can't find her anywhere.

"Just in case you run into some high-value targets." Out of nowhere, a satchel straps around my left shoulder. "This will keep the money flowing into your pockets."

"Thank you. Ulrika and I will put this to good use."

"Farewell, Kaioson. I shall pray for you and Ulrika's well-being. Also, there are two rings in there that should be enough for all the bounties."

The pressure in my ears pops from our communication ending. I finally spot her sitting alongside Glysith and her lover in front of Catsha's pub. Haleema gives us a thumbs-up as we walk by. Ulrika and I wave them goodbye. Glysith waves goodbye too then shows me she's wearing the ring by pointing at it.

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