'Everything's fine' Chapter 1

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POV: 3rd person

Its been decades since the Nuclear explosion. No one knows what caused the nuclear apocalypse  but it happened so suddenly  for anyone to relise who caused it, and when people were finally given time to have a breather it was too late to find the culprits

Earth use to be so lively countries and humans lived in  an uneasy peace, The humans feared the countries and the countries feared the humans, a war was anticipated but no one knew how deadly it would be, an entire nuclear war... killing billions and only leaveing a few million alive after the nuclear bombs, but that number kept getting lower and lower until only a few thousand were left.

The countries were assumed to be dead thanks to the nuclear Bombings but in reality the countries escaped into space before the nuclear bombs landed... abandoning their planet, abandoning their people, abandoning the helpless humans.

That was decades ago.

POV: Unknown

I never got to see my parents. I was told at a young age that  they died shortly after I was born by a group of bandits, I dont know how much of that is real or fake but it's the only  story I was told  so I belived it, I grew up believing that story for years... My name is Y/n im 18 years old and im alone now

The group of people I spent the first few years of my life with died a few years back when I was either 14 or 15 it was so long I cant remeber, but I can remeber how they died, it was so awful to see. It all happened so suddenly I didn't want to belive it at first. We were taking shelter in a cave, we each took turns staying awake and keeping guard... it was my turn to keep guard so i did exactly that, but i failed i failed so miserably, i didn't notice the signs, a earthquake  happened and i didn't notice until it was too late, the cave started to collapse and my body acted before my brain and I just ran, I left my family to die in that cave. That cave colapsed killing everyone in that cave. My selfish actions kill them, i never forgave myself. But I kept going... kept living.

The earth that I live in is still a nuclear wasteland, no radiation but still a wasteland after that traumatic event i didn't know if there  were any more survivers left, all I can do is pray to God that there were surivers left, somewhere on this wasteland of earth.

Back to present day.  POV: Y/N

I wake up and start my day off as usual, I get out of my cot,  tie my Hair up into a ponytail, get dressed and grab my fishing pole, shovel and a bucket and start my one hour journey to the nearby lake I took camp by, to wash up clean my limited amount of clothing  and go fishing.

my live has been quite simple
I live in a forest with all sorts of Mutated wild life, some have extra eyes, limbs, heads. Some are smaller, Bigger  and sometimes they are missing limbs, and even chunks of their own furr.
It can be very dangerous at times and I have gotten close to dying a few times but I allways manged to escape  danger.

I stop once I get to  the lake and I start with digging up worms with my shovel to use as bate... God the mutations some of the worms had were terrifying, bigger eyes long body's, some even have limbs its so weird but I allways suck it up and dump the worms into the bucket and drop my shovel.
I pick up my fishing pole that I had resting by a tree  stab a worm into  the hook, walk  to the edge of the lake and begin to fish. It was allways a peaceful activity and the fish were beautiful, I am left to my thoughts as I fish but is quickly knocked out of it when a fish bites my batit and I imdiently start to reel in the fish and after a minute or two of struggleing I finally pull the fish out from the water to reveal a beautiful Catfish, man Catfish were my favorite fish to catch. I calmly release the fish from the hook and toss it  onto a pile of other caught fish.

Hours pass and I only catch a few other fish, I have also ran out of bait so I reuse the bucket by tossing the now dead fish into the bucket giving them a good rinse before grabbing both my fishing rod and  shovel and making the hour long journey  back to my camp like  compound.

Im walking back home I didn't know what was about to happen. It all seemed so quite, I could hear my foot steps agenst the dead leafs in the ground making quite crunching noises...

until I was suddenly knocked over by a mutated wolf, it growled and barked at me as it closed its sharp and aggressive jaws right onto my left arm and practically locked onto my arm,
I screamed in pain and kicked at the wolf, reaching for my shovel so I could defend myself, of course my screams wouldn't  attract anyone to save me and I knew that so all I did was once I finally grabbed my shovel I smacked the mutated wolf right onto the head  having it unleash its jaws from my arm, God the pain was agonizing but I stood up and hit the wolf agian and agian  on the head, bashing its skull in  and  after I knew that wolf was dead I finally took a deep breath, God that was close... too close for my liking
I slowly  collected everything and dragged the dead wolf with me. I wouldn't let the dead wolf go to waste it was best I cooked it since fish alone wouldn't work. I didn't feel bad about killing the wolf. Some people may feel awful about killing a deer or a squirrel but to survive in this world you can't fear or hesitate killing animals.

When I finally got home I rested the dead wolf on a log the fish next to the wolf and walked inside my cabin to find some rubbing alcohol  and bandages, I walk out onto my porch and bite into a peice of wood to muffle myself as I began to dis-infect the bite on my arm, god it was agonizing I knew I wouldn't be able to hunt for atleast  a week or two so good thing I killed that wolf when I did so I could still eat while my arm was healing. Once I finished cleaning the bite I  began to slowly wrap up my arm, I spat out the wood since I didn't need to muffle myself anymore.

When I finally finished  bannageing my arm I got back up walked into my cabin and grabbed a knife and whatever else was needed to skin an animal.  I walked back out, grabbed the dead wolf and layed it flat and began to skin it
You'd think skinning an animal would be quick but skinning this God dam wolf took fucking hours! And when I did i wasnt even  close to finishing peeping this wolf to eat
I had to Gut it, remove unedible  parts and then drain whatever blood it had left  Then cook it. Atleast the fish would be easier to prep for cooking then this pain in the ass wolf

After I have finally started to cook the wolf I left it over a camp fire I prepared and started to work on gutting the fish and removing the unedible parts witch took less then 20 minutes. I rested the fish back into the bucket  before dumping all the fish guts, wolf guts and unedible  parts into a composter  so it could be put to use.
Once the wolf has been cooked I cut it into peices and safe whatever I dont eat for the upcoming weeks and I start to cook the fish.

After everything that has happened today I am kinda proud  that I was able to fight off that wolf kill it and then cook it, allmost like a final revenge.

Little did Y/N know her life was about to change and possibly  for free worst!



hoho boy only if you knew what the original draft of this chapter was, it was so short and had so many chances for creative freedom that I had to add more to it and thats exactly  what I did baby B) I also was in a gore mood so thats why I had thoes trigger warning
Hope you guys enjoyed chapter one! Because I forsure enjoyed writing  this!

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