"Going back home" Chapter 2

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I wake up exhausted as usual, I go from my side to laying on my back, I let out a depressed sigh and stare up into the ceiling.

I think about the biggest issue about living in space so far. The oxygen levels, they have been depleting a little bit each year, its gotten to the point where people have complained about having short breath, or struggling to breath.
It got so bad that the UN has set a date for a meeting that will at least  answer some questions and address the biggest complaint.

I get out of bed, brush my teeth, put on one of my many red and black flannels and leave my cell like room and make my way over to the main hall where UN is hosting the meeting at.
As we wait for the meeting to begin I couldn't help but over hear some conversations
The loud murming about what this meeting could possibly be about, but deep down we all knew what this meeting was about.

We all wait impatiently for the meeting to begin and after what seemed like hours, in reality was only a few minutes the meeting finally began.
A tall man walked up to the microphone, his beautiful dove white wings shining and catching everyone's attention, its the man himself U.N

"Now I know what you all must be thinking"
he began his speech Confidently

"as you people could have guessed the oxygen levels have been depleting at an alarming rate, But! Do not fear do not panic! We have a solution!"

He addressed the main issue his confidence staying bold and clear.
this is a man of his word

"if my calculations are correct the radiation back on earth should be gone or at least low enough for us to survive. And the human population should be long gone by now"
he said confidently but when he mentioned the humans you could hear this distaste in his voice, this man hated humans.

He paused for a second and then continued

"I believe it should be safe for us to return back to earth but to take safety measures we need 2 volunteers to head to earth and assess if its safe and if the humans are alive and if so are they aggressive"
he said calmly the same distasteful voice when he mentions the humans subtle.

"If you wish to volunteer then please meet me in my office after this meeting and we can disgust in more detail about the plan, but for the rest of you people, keep your heads high that we will be able to return 'home'"
he said and with that he walked off stage and let E.U And asean take over the meeting.

Me and my brother-America looked at each other, we both knew we had to be the first to volunteer and be the first to return back home we didn't even have to say it to each other
After the meeting America and I made our way over to U.N's Office and volunteered.

When we walked in we saw the man himself U.N face to face, he looked at us and smiled "ah America, Canada welcome! Please take a seat" he said and calmly pointed to the 2 seats in front of his work desk, we did as told and sat down on the 2 empty seats in front of his desk he calmly sat down also and he already knew why they were here
"We would like to volunteer to be the first two, to assess earth" America claimed confidently as usual of him
U.N smiled, I mean he was delighted to hear that we wanted to volunteer and U.N didn't waste a second to share the details to us,
POV: 3rd person 

he explained how  if they really want to actually volunteer they would have to goo through a week of training,  then once on earth check the radiation levels, search for any Human life and see if they are aggressive.
"If they are aggressive then you have the choice to kill them or space them." Un said quite seriously like the life of everyone on the space ship depended on  the tasks   
Un also expresses how Once they deem earth 'safe' then everyone will be sent back to earth and they will work on rebuilding earth and rebuilding the population. 
but he never mentions the oxygen levels. If the Un was willing to send 2 healthy countries down to earth then the oxygen issue must be bad.

they understood what they needed to do and began training the next day.
Each day  they were reminded of their goal and their excitement to be the first 2 country's in decades  to land on earth motivated them to the max. 
they were told that when they land in earth to expect the Worst. 
Expect the earth to be in despair, to be a total radioactive wasteland. and to expect No human life or little to none. 

 T H E  
          N E X T 
                       W E E K

It has been a week since that  meeting. we were escorted to the escape pod by Un and EU. to say we were nervous was an understatement. as we entered the escape pod Un reminded them one last time about their goal. The last words we heard were  

"Good luck America. Good luck Canada." 




wow this took longer then expected. it is probably because I didn't have a lot of time to  be able to type down this chapter but hey! at least its finished. Ill try to type out chapter 3 as soon as possible but no promises!  hope you guys like this chapter 

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