chapter 5 (part two) 'newcomers'

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POV Canada

"Y/N!!" I scream as I rush over to the dock, pushing past America and soviet, standing at the edge trying to see where y/n was, but then it quickly became obvious where she was by the blood dyeing the lake water around her.
I quickly dive in desperately trying to swim to her. Finally after a few moments I was able to grab her shirt and I began to swim back up to the surface

I quickly pull her out of the water and lay her on her back.

Oh God what do I do first?!
Resuscitate her
stop the bleeding. 

after a few moments of debating i knew i had to come to my senses and finally decided to first stop the bleeding. if she kept bleeding out like this i would lose her.   she could be stable enough to resuscitate. if i stopped the bleeding, and with that decion made i quickly applied firm pressure in the bullet wound praying that she isn't already dead. the sounds of America arguing with Russia and soviet overwhelming my ears. my hands shaking as i applied the pressure for several minutes until i felt confident that the bleeding has stopped. i lift my hands up to look and   i finally managed to stop the bleeding enough to resuscitate her. 
and with that i quickly begin to do CPR on her. (fun fact, you can do CPR to any song that has 100 or more beats per minute)  i  making sure to check her pulse  every now and then just desperately trying to keep her alive.  long enough

please stay alive Y/N

please stay alive Y/N

please stay alive Y/n


you know being shot and knocked unconscious is a very weird feeling. you'd think id be in a lot of pain but... it doesn't hurt? like it hurts at first, the initial pain of being shot hurts like hell. but the moment i fell into that lake and uh. it felt off? like you fall into a very warm bath i felt awake but also unconscious  i felt like i wasn't  in my body, just purely a spectator. i couldn't move and i couldn't see what my surroundings were.  i began to panic, desperately trying to call out, move or anything. i just wanted to figure out what was happening. it felt like i was struggling for hours but in reality it probably was only a few minutes. i gave up after a while. i felt so alone, so scared, so vulnerable.  i just wanted to cry but i couldn.. i couldn't feel anything   suddenly i heard something.  

"calm down y/n. your safe"  

a voice called out, seeming so close like it was behind me but also far away. its voice echoing in my head they sounded so familiar.  i tried to respond but i couldn't move a mussel, it felt so odd, why cant i move, i mean i couldn't speak and yet whatever was knew... its like it knew what i was going to say. 

"i am you."

me?? how can this voice be me??, i wonder. not sure what they meant by 'i am you'  

"that isn't important though. those countries may not seem so trustful but listen to me when i say. they are your best shot at freedom. just trust me, you'll want to  trust them, they will help you"  

there it goes again.  predicting what i was going to say. how the fuck does that even happen??? 

 i suddenly couldn't breath. i heard very faint and muffled calling  out for me 
"Y/n... Y/n!... Y/N!!!" i couldn't make out who was calling me. but that's when  the voice spoke again 

"it seems that your waking up.. remember y/n they aren't here to hurt you. just trust them alright?" 

the voice said, sounding more and more distant as like  i  was being dragged away, probably being dragged back into my conscious body.  the more i was dragged into my conscious body the more i felt like i couldn't breath, i began to panic. i cant breath, i don't want to die. OH MY GOD WHO THE FUCK IS CALLING MY NAME?!  
"Y/n! Please" 
"Please don't die y/n" 
"please wake up!" 

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