chapter 4 'investagating'

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- now I'm met with a dilemma...
What do I do with them now?.


i called D/N over and gave him a fish for being such a good boy, then i picked up the fish bucket and brought it outside, told D/n to wait inside again then looked back at the 2 knocked out men.  and started to debate on what i should do with them. 
after minutes of pacing back and forth i finally had an idea. 
i grabbed both men and dragged them inside, with a lot of struggle since their grown ass men and i am a somewhat weak 18 year old, after i dragged them inside i grabbed some rope, tape and 2 chairs.
i put both men onto a chair then tied them to the chair very tightly so they couldn't escape and then taped their mouths shut so they wouldn't wake D/N if they woke. 

once they were dealt with i finally got a closer look at them and was taken back when they had weird flags on their faces, looked to be in their mid twenties possibly early thirty's. i couldn't make out what their flags actually were. 
after i assessed what they were i backed away and started to look through their bags to see what possible supplies they had. and i found their weird looking metal box that looked similar to  our radios but looked quite futuristic.  i assumed this was a message box so they could send reports to whoever their leader so i  put it on the ground and destroyed the radio then put it back in the bag so if they found out they would assume it was destroyed by something else 
i didn't know how to feel  about this i mean i was left speechless, so many questions were in my mind, like who are these men, where did they come from? What do they want? how did they get such a futuristic radio like thing?.
i  shook all the questions away and composed myself,  
i grabbed a stool and put it in front of the knocked out men, then grabbed my  Fire Axe from the wall, and grabbed a delightful book that i could read while waiting for them to wake up.
i sat on the stool, rested the  Fire Axe next to the stool and  began to read my book. 
well not really Read the book, more like stare at the pictures since i was never actually taught how to read.... or write... hell i don't even know any history besides what happened decades ago. 

I was knocked out of my thoughts when I noticed one of the men waking up, I put my book down and had a strong grip on my  Axe just in case they escape their restraints, I watched him fully wake up, look around panicking then his eyes land on me.
I. Take a deep breath  hold my Hatchet like Axe   threateningly  then said
"W-who are you..? What are you?" I say gaining confidence  as i spoke trying to sound intimidating but I'm pretty sure that my Hatchet was more intimidating then me.

The man that woke, looked at me tried to say something but then realized that his mouth was taped up
I slapped my face then walked up to him and took the tape off "answer  me." I said as I backed away  a bit holding my Hatchet threateningly
And after a few seconds he spoke up  calmly "my name is Canada, I know you must be confused and even frightened  but let me explain please" he said keeping his calm and nervous  attitude

"Explain how the fuck you have flags for faces, and why you two broke into my house!" I say as I glared at 'Canada'

'Canada'  seemed to be surprised by my outburst but kept it together and then responded
"W-we are countryman's. Our flag faces  are the flag of  our countries. and im so sorry that we intruded  we thought the house was abandoned. We didn't know you lived here!" he said nervously  before giving his partner a side glare.

He pretty much answered all my questions but then I relized i don't know what the others name is so I took another breath and spoke up
"What's the others name?" I said pointing to Canada's partner.

Canada looked at his partner then back at me and then responded
"He is my brother. His name is America. As you can see he's a dunce." He responded chuckling a bit when he called America a dunce.

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