My Life, Take 2 (An AshLea Short Story Part 6)

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What just happened?

Rosie? Jasper? Okay, both kids are intact, but—what are we going to do now???

I don't care anymore. I'm not going to keep myself covered. I don't think my children cared either.

I hear footsteps. Oh God, I hear footsteps. The "locals" must be coming in.

"We have to barricade ourselves," Jasper said desperately.

I didn't have time to open my mouth when I saw a member of what seemed like a tribe.


Sorry. I don't mean to cuss, but we are in deep trouble—deep, deep trouble.

I started shivering. I guess it's a normal body response to fear. It was suddenly too cold for my liking. I noticed Rosie was shivering, too. She must be as freightened as I am.

"Stay quiet. Let me do the talking." Ironically, I could barely get my words out.

I don't mean to be stereotypical, but I assume this guy is from a tribe. He didn't dress like the native Indians with their fancy headwear. Though he did have a long black hair neatly braided all the way to his hips. His nose was pierced. He was dressed with animal fur of some sort—I couldn't tell, a bear maybe. His arms were covered with tattoos but with those tribal colors, not the usual we see people get in tattoo shops. I can't believe I even have the time to study this guy. This moment could mean life or death for me and my children and here I was, busy studying the culprit.

Focus, Ruby. This is not the time to analyze people and their looks.

I swallowed. Maybe he would show mercy to a couple of youngsters. Maybe they can spare my children's lives.

Wait a minute—I'm young again! I've forgotten that I look just like my daughter at the moment. Maybe that would increase my chances of survival.

Another one of them walked in. This one looks younger. This must be his son. They kind of look alike. The older one spoke. His voice echoed inside the plane. It made my children jump. It scared me, too. This man is the kind that doesn't need a microphone to speak to get anyone's attention. Although, I can't make out their language. It doesn't sound like anything I've heard from any countries before.

"Ma," Rosie whispered when the older guy started approaching us again. "Sssh," I reminded her to quiet down. I'll do the talking.

The older guy hovered over us. I could feel Jasper's strong urge to protect his mother and his sister. He knew that was his job as the man of the house, but I know he's trying to respect my order as his mother. Good. The last thing we need right now is a man to man showdown. Heaps of testosterone doesn't always end well.

The older guy opened his mouth and another loud booming sound echoed inside the plane. I shook my head. I started to shiver again. My nerves are getting the best of me.

"I'm—I'm sorry. I don't understand," I stupidly managed to say. Hey, maybe they know a bit of English? Who knows? It was worth a try.

This must have angered the man because he yelled like those angry cartoon characters where a tornado seemed to have appeared the moment he opened his mouth.

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