The Unspoken Fall

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"Ready to go!"I yelled from upstairs.

"I'm not! don't leave without me!" yelled Toby from the room over. He was rather unorganized and absent minded. Lots more than the average eleven year old.

I was the opposite. Being almost fourteen, I was really mature for my age. Other than the fact that Legos are my life.

"Little dude, Get your things packed. We are leaving within the next few minutes." Mom shouted  from downstairs. Jemma, my mom, she acted more like a cool babysitter rather than a mom sometimes. You'll see later. "By the way, Roofus is in the car."

"Mom, can we drive down the driveway without Toby just to be funny?" I asked. I can be mostly mature, but other times making fun of Toby was a hobby.

"Not today, lil' dude. It's moving day and our best behavior results in peace on the car ride." said mom. "Lets go boy!"

"Done, done! I'm coming." He stumbled around the corner with a backpack on and suitcases in both hands. He banged them on the wall a decent amount of times and started to tilt.

Mom's eyes widened and Toby started to tip, then roll, bang a little bit, and scream like a cheerleader. He hid a few somersaults down the stairs and finally slowed down with a big exhale. Then Roofus (the dog) started barking in the car.

"I've fallen down. It hurt." He stated quickly and hopped up to his clumsy feet again. "I'm okay though. I'm exited to see the house. I don't really want to leave this house, but since my friends stopped hanging out with me, I don't mind."

I knew it would hit him hard later since we grew up here, but the we inherited our great grandfathers old creepy vacation house and Toby is really into paranormal activity. I was sad, but also exited that she would get a new start. Plus since my mom always has trouble getting jobs, we were going to rent out our old house so we will never forget it, and get some money out of it.

We loaded our stuff into the car, and since the moving trucks were already on their way out to the house. The ride would only take about seven hours and the sun was just starting to rise. We would eat lunch there. The whole day was planned out. I'd read for a while, possibly nap, maybe do a new Mad Lib. My bag was packed and all I wanted to do was what I planned. Toby, however, had a different idea in mind.

So we owned a nice dark blue Jeep Rubicon with comfy seats. Roofus was all comfy and situated in the back end, so his ride would be fine. Toby decided to stick his feet up on my lap while I was re-reading Where the Red Fern Grows. UHMMM, rude!

"Toby, move your lil nasty feet to your side. I'm reading." I said softly slapping his foot.

"I'm bored though. All I have in there is my switch." He groaned and crossed his arms.

"Don't you have Splatoon, Minecraft, and that Zelda game on there?" I asked trying not to show I was annoyed. Part of being responsible and mature comes with it's duties.

"All I have is animal crossing and Smash Bro's!" He whined. "I mastered those games already and they get boring."

"Bud, where are your other game cards?" Mom asked. She wanted to know, or else he would bother us both the whole ride.

"Probably on the truck. I dunno." He replied.

"Dude! You got..... YOU......" I grumped, slumped, and shoved my face into my book while I could still enjoy it.

"Why do you care? You never ever play on my switch." He asked and tilted his head way off to the side.

"Because, you'll never get out of my hair about how bored you are! You able to color? I've got colors in the back here." I replied annoyed. I broke my rule about staying calm, but I thought I could make an acception for myself.

"Coloring is for babies, Rebekah. I'm Eleven remember?" He exaggerated those last few words just to make me furious. 

"Look, I'm not dealing with this today, so Toby your sitting up here and helping me with the map." Said mom. We never used paper maps accept for hiking, but anything to keep Toby busy on long car rides.

So it ended up being a peaceful ride. I got through about half my book, napped, had a snack, traded seats with Toby (which didn't last), and overall had the nicest car ride. It was beautiful too and we managed to get out of the car a few times and I snapped pictures on my camera. I'd always loved photography and I bought that camera over the summer. I was ready to print out the most memorable pictures I took exactly the year after we moved in, and hang them up. Told you I was organized.

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