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Holaaaaaa everyone It's your author Priyal Nigam here Welcome back to my ff

Let's gets started

Double update 🥳 🥳 🥳 🥳

SF called sid

On call

SF: sid come to my office right now i want to talk to u

Sid: yeah dad I am coming

Sid went to his dad's office

Sid knocked

SF: come in

Sid came in and sat opposite to him

Sid: dad what do u want to talk to me

SF: its very important its about your future

Sid: dad plss say clear whatever u want to say

SF: i want u too marry Ashi one of my closest friend's daughter

Sid: dad i already married to avu i never lay an eye on any girl since avu came in my life.......shouts

SF: i don't care and I didn't accept your and that girl's marriage bcs u two were not in your senses so this marriage is not valid

Sid: it is valid we follow all rituals it is if it is not valid then also I will never marry anyone else other than my avneet ..........anger clearly visible in his eyes

SF: u have to marry Ashi my son u have too

Sid: i will not..........he said this and about to go

SF: then u will see my death

Sid immediately turned

Sid: dad how can u do this u are not doing right dad

SF: i know my son what I am doing and trust me Ashi is such a good girl and she loves u try to understand Siddharth she is perfect for u

Sid: dad plsss I am begging to u plsss Don't do this i love Avneet I love her so much i will die without her plssd dad don't do this .......tears rolled down from his eyes

SF: enough Siddharth enough your snd Ashi's engagement is tomorrow get ready and stop this drama of Avneet i Don't want to hear her name anymore

Sid: i will never do what u want.......he went from there

SF: ughhh what this boy want

Sid is going when Ashi pulled him in an empty room

Sid: what are u doing here.....shouts

She encircled her arms around his neck and moves close to him

Ashi: why are u getting so much angry Mr Nigam or my to be husband

Sid jerked her hands

Sid: stay away from me..... in a warning tone

Ashi: aww sid u look so cute while angry I love u

Sid: shut up

Ashi: why are u talking to me like this we are going to engaged and u are showing me tantrums are u not excited about our future

Sid: Ashi u know very well I love Avneet only Avneet then why are u doing this what the fuck u want

Ashi: you sid only you i want only u you are mine only mine

Sid: I am only Avneet's and always be her's

Ashi held his neck and moved closer

Ashi: don't u dare to take her name from your mouth u are mine only mine can't u understand

Ashi: Siddharth Nigam U A.R.E M.I.N.E

Sid pushed her lightly

Sid: keep dreaming your dreams never gonna be true

Ashi: u have to marry me sid i will make u marry me i will make u love me by crook or hooke that Avneet is barrier between u and me i will kill her yess i will kill her

Sid: Ashiiiiiiiiiiii........shouts he pinned her to the wall

Sid: Don't u dare to lay your evil eyes on  what's mine

Ashi: i can and I will if she try to separate us

Sid: why are u not understanding I don't love u

Ashi: u have to love me what's your problem is avneet is better than me what is in her that's not in me is i am not beautiful tell na what is in her

Sid: i never compare u and Avneet she is my soul and u are my friend I can die for her I love her truely u don't love me its your obsession not love

Ashi: I L.O.V.E U in which language I tell u I express that I love you why u can't be mine

Sid: just stop it i don't wanna talk to u just leave

Sid gonna go but ashi held his wrist

Ashi: remember one thing Mr Siddharth Nigam u will be the one who engaged to me in front of your so called Avneet

Sid freed his wrist from her and left Ashi smirked evily

SF make sid ready for marrying Ashi by threatening sid to kill himself

Atlast with a lot of fight sid sacrifice his love Avneet in front of his dad

He lost

To be continued


The One and Only Priyal ❤🔥

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