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Holaaaaa everyone It's your author Priyal Nigam here Welcome back to my ff

Let's gets started

Double update 🥳🥳🥳🥳

Sm1 is none other than Avneet Nigam

( Everytime girl's doesn't need any boy to protect them They can stand for themselves right girls 😊)

(All were wrong 😂)

Avu held his hand

Avu: i repeat Don't u dare touch me......angrily and jerked his hand

Vikrant: I am talking to u politely but I think I have to reply u in your language

He held hairs and dragged her to a dark room and threw her on bed

Vikrant: After 1hr our marriage will take place be ready Mrs Vikrant

Avu: SHUT UP I WILL DIE BUT I NEVER MARRY U ..............shouts

Vikrant: u have to babe

Avu: don't call me that

Vikrant traced her face with his knuckles she turn her face in another direction in disgust

Vikrant held her jaw tightly and made her look at him

Vikrant: Never disobey me.....angrily

Avu pushed him He locked the door and went downstairs and told his guards for tight security

Avu: Sid where are u plss save me and our child i promise i never ignore your words plss save me.....cries

Vikrant: Guard Call the Pandit for my Marriage

G: yes sir

Vikrant sat on sofa crossing his legs

Vikrant: Siddharth now your wife is going to be mine........evily smirked

Here Siddharth is finding Avu he is  driving car at full speed

Sid: Avu where I find u I am sorry i couldn't be with u at that time when that bastard is taking u

(Sid ended his call when he is going inside the hall he saw Vikrant threw Avu in his car and drove off He sat in his car and start chasing them

But on the way a lady came on the road so he applied brake and in this Vikrant's car disappear)

Tears were rolling from his eyes and he cursing himself for not be able to save avu

Vikrant's side

Sm1 called him

Sm1: Hello

Vik: hello 👻👻👻👻 it was an amazing job I did it not you

Sm1: you

Vik: yes me u said that I can't get Avneet I don't have guts I can't marry her Avneet is in my captivity now yes and I am marrying her tonight

Sm1: I will praise u only when u accomplish what you are saying talking about your guts after u married then I will come to know about your guts call me when the job is done

Sm1 ended the call

Vik: i will give you a party of my wedding

Sid's side

Sid: idk where u are but I will find u i swear i promise i will find u once I find u i will never let u go away from me i will always with u forever I love you Mrs Nigam and i will find u

SIDNEET: OPPOSITE LOVE Where stories live. Discover now