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Holaaaa everyone Welcome back to a New chapter of SIDNEET OPPOSITE LOVE

Let's gets started

He pulled her close by her waist she put her both hands on his chest he leaned close his hot breath hits her neck he moved close to her ear slightly brushing his lips and said in his most husky voice

Sid: u wanted to hear this na

Avu looked at him with confused expression

Sid: u are excpecting this from me right that I will say I love you Mrs Nigam blah blah blah forgive me i am guilty u are dumb............making joke of her

Sid: I have only hate for u..... with stern face

She pushed him

Avu: u can never change Mr Nigam i thought u realised your mistake

Sid: Mrs Nigam u still love me you are still there where I left you and move on in my life u know what u are just pretending that u hate me u are so strong u doesn't get effected by my and Ashi's closeness but in reality u are so weak my and Ashi's closeness effect u don't u see your expression when i said I love you and all your expression changed in seconds

Avu: Its funny how a person can break your heart and you can still love them with all the little pieces.......tears rolled down from her eyes

Sid felt a pang in his heart but he controlled himself

Sid: who told to love me ha.......with hands in his pockets

Avu grabbed his collar and pulled him close

Avu: When i first met you i honestly didn't know you are gonna be this important to a cracked voice

Sid: i don't ask u to give me this much importance in your life........laughed

Avu: I Don't have words to curse u

She left his collar and started to go but smthng held her she saw her Mangalsutra stuck in his shirt's button she started to free her Mangalsutra from his button but failed he placed his both hands on her waist and pulled her close she gasped

Sid: now do whatever u want

Words aren't coming from her mouth seeing the closeness between them

With trembling hands she tried to free it Sid held her hands softly and remove her Mangalsutra from his button

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With trembling hands she tried to free it Sid held her hands softly and remove her Mangalsutra from his button

With trembling hands she tried to free it Sid held her hands softly and remove her Mangalsutra from his button

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She started to go but he pulled her again Both staring into each other's eyes they are standing too much close so both can hear each other's heartbeat

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She started to go but he pulled her again Both staring into each other's eyes they are standing too much close so both can hear each other's heartbeat

Avu in mind: idk but I can't see any other emotion in your eyes for me except love then why are u making me hate u every second

Sid in mind: i can see the love u have for me in your eyes I want u to hate me i don't want to give u pain i just want anger,hate in you for me

Their hatove eyelock broken by Ashi she saw them standing too close to each other

Ashi: Siddharth

Avu and sid both came out of their lalala land

Sid: Ashi

Ashi: baby what are u doing in her room

Sid: nothing I just came here to takd my file

Ashi: oh okay now let's go in evening dada and vaishu di's Sangeet ceremony so we have to practice for dance

Sid: Baby-

Before he could say anything she dragged him with her smirking at avu

To be continued


The One and Only Priyal Nigam ❤🔥

Next chapter:- Ashi seduces Sid

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