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Holaaaaaa everyone Welcome back to a New chapter of SIDNEET OPPOSITE LOVE

Let's gets started

Double update 🥳🥳🥳🥳

Avu saw sid already there washing his face she about to go from there but sid held her wrist and pinned her to the wall

Sid: why are u ignoring me from morning

Avu: I think u have some misunderstanding Mr Nigam

Sid: What

Avu: Yeah bcs I am not your "BABY" why are u getting affected when I am ignoring I don't think u have any problem from it have you so maintain 1 hand distance from me

Sid in mind: sid u are such a fool why are u coming close to her if u came close to her then she will definitely understand that i still love her that i don't want she is right

Sid didn't said anything he left her way and went into their room library

Avu washed her face and clean the haldi from her hands

She came out of bathroom and saw Ashi sitting on her bed crossing her legs

Avu: what are u doing here

Ashi got up from her place

Ashi: Avneet I am waiting for u only

Avu: why

Ashi: I want to talk to you

Avu: i am not fucking interested in listening you so get out

Ashi: u have to listen to me Avneet....gritting her teeth

Avu: what

Ashi: let's come on point bcs there is no need to argue u why are u wishing to state a claim on what's mine

Avu: what do u mean

Ashi: u wish to state a claim on my sid right u want to claim on Sid

Avu crossed her arms near her chest and stand in a relaxing position

Avu: Ashi ukw people claim on smthng that isn't theirs i am just here to take back what's MINE

Ashi: I failed u know what seriously I underestimated you i thought Avneet Yaseen's chapter has close but God u have started another tale to trap Sid and enter in his life again and guess what u did what u had to do Avneet Yaseen now its my turn now u will see what I can do i am telling you that u are lucky that u are still standing on your feet here This is my husband's house where I can't unleash my wrath here bcs they think that i am very innocent and u know sanskari types so don't u think that i will lay low and stay quiet From the day u came in this house and speaking nonsense I could have shut your mouth in seconds but I was helpless u cannot even think if u think what I can do u will startled

Avu: are u threatening me

Ashi: Am I really i am not making a threat Avneet Yaseen that isn't a threat but a warning if u don't believe me na then I can show u all about me ya I am most beautiful and stunning but my heart is dark remember this well one who crosses my path is bound to suffer Now imagine Just Imagine guess what u go outside to cross the road and u are run over by a car hawwwww Avneet Yaseen has lost her legs she is a cripple now what will you do then?? no I have a better idea let's do this how about....yes I will send someone to ruin your face yes what will you do then oh god with that face Anyway u do look average but that's all right but how will you live with a face like that Avneet How will u live? What will u do? How will u survive? And suppose u learn to live with it let us assume u learn to live with your ugly face What then? I will make your life so chaotic that u can't even comprehend it i will make u suffer
I will send u to a place that u never imagined Do u know where? A mental asylum u will rot amongst the lunatics u will never be able to get out just imagine Avneet Yaseen will be insane while living with lunatics

Ashi is saying all this but Avu showing no interest in her talks

Avu: ukw Ashi I feel terrified I am afraid I am sorry

Ashi: Finally

Avu: Actually i am not late right shall i go back from here

Ashi: Fine although late u speak sense Nice u should leave

Avu: i have never seen such a dumb  person than u

Ashi: precisely

Avu: but ukw Ashi at some point in life smart people find some people who can outsmart them

( Apni language me bole to har sher ko sabasher to milta hi h )

Ashi: No Avneet don't underestimate me u don't know how much cruel I can be and remember u are in this house bcs u are carrying my husband's child if something happens to your child then-

Avu held Ashi's neck her eyes turned red in anger


She said dangerously and left Ashi

Ashi: hawwwww Avneet I got scared pls don't do anything to me i beg you...........she start laughing like a mad person

Avu: U don't know the real me u haven't confronted me u won't be able to cause me and my child any harm in fact I will ruin your entire life YOUR ENTIRE LIFE
Not with your mind games I am not like that I stand by the truth i fight for truth self respect and rights and this time i will fight tooth and nail and its not gonna be clean its going to be very dirty u want an answer in your language right it will be by crook or hooke i will do whatever I feel like i will get what I want at any cost.........sassily

Ashi: you mean Siddharth

Avu: He will get the answer to that and I think your memory is so much weak that u forget I am Avneet Nigam what Mrs Avneet Siddharth Nigam so better call me that only and btw for the time being i think i can just handle this much u are like a headache for me


Avu: hey don't bore me just get out

Avu laid on bed and close her eyes

Ashi stomped her foot on floor and went from there

The whole conversation heard by sid

To be continued


The One and Only Priyal Nigam ❤🔥

Words:- 1123

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