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Holaaaaa everyone It's your author Priyal Nigam here Welcome back to my ff

Let's gets started

In college
Chemistry class

Sidneet sat together half heartdly giving death glares to each other

Rinushka busy in their own world

Ashi burning in jealousy seeing sidneet together

Sid is getting bore during lecture while avu is writing notes fully concentrated

Sid thought to tease avu he encircled his one hand around avu's waist and start rubbing it over fabric

Avu felt his hand on her waist and her breath hitched she looked at him angrily trying to remove his hand from her waist he smirked seeing her struggling avu continously passing him death glares his smirked grew more wider

Avu: leave me

He came close to her

Sid: what if I don't

Avu: i will beat the shit out of u

Sid: omg I am scared..... he said dramatically

Avu: you bandar ke bacche..... shouts

Whole class looked at them sid's eyes widen he is not expecting this from her he left her waist and this time avu smirked

Teac: why are u shouting girl... angrily

Avu: sorry mam its not my fault this bandar is irritating me

Sid: no mam she is lying

Avu: you bandar ke bachhe you lier

Sid: I am not lier u are

Avu: no you

Sid: you

Avu: you

Sid: you

Avu: you

Sid: you

Teac: shut upppp and get out from my class both of u..... shouts angrily

Sidneet: but ma-

Teac: I said get outtttttttt

Sidneet picked their stuff and went out from the class avu looking at him like she's gonna eat him raw and sid is just smirking

Avu: bcs of u my most favorite subjects lecture missed

Sid: favorite ghanta chemistry is most boring subject

Avu: oh just shut up chemistry is most interesting subject ever bo khte haina bandar kya jaane adrak ka swaad 0

Sid: hey you nackchadi first stop calling me bandar and second thing I am getting bored in that shitty lecture 

Avu: u are the one who getting bored not me so why u are irritating me in the class

Sid: bcs i love to.... he came close to her taking a glance of her angellic face

Both staring into each other's eyes when their enemetic eye romance broken by the great sidneet shipper's fake coughs

Abhi: ahem ahem

Sidneet parted from each other and start looking here and there

Abhi: can i get to know what is happening here

Sid: what nothing dada this nackchadi is irritating me

Avu: oh pls give me a break dada I am not irritating him intact he's irritating me its all his fault

SIDNEET: OPPOSITE LOVE Where stories live. Discover now