The Wedding

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The Wedding was a joyous occasion, atleast it gave the appearance of being a joyous occasion, and why not? the king was getting married.

I did not think my backyard could look soo beautiful and magnificent, It was draped with beautiful roses and lilies, the wedding area was decorated with red and gold drapes, there was where the Mandap was set, there the holy fire was already burning, waiting for them , it was there where they will give each other marriage vows .

I could not help tearing up, this was exactly what I had wanted my wedding to look like, only if the groom had loved her and she loved him in return.

I felt a squeeze in their connected hands, I had almost forgot I was still holding hands with Agni .


I could feel people's eyes on us, they had not seen their Maharaj in all his glory and they had definitely not seen him holding anybody's hand.

I was dresser in a red Dhoti, embroidered with golden patterns at the edges, I also had a cloth draped around my shoulders, again red, with beautifully dragons embroidered with golden thread, and adorned with a neckpiece in gold and ruby, huge gold bands on my wrists and arms, as well as my ears

Exactly replicating my beautiful bride, though she had worn a saree, draped artiscally, red, with beautifully dragon pattern embroidered with golden thread, and I had asked personally to send all jewelleries for the Maharani, to be sent to her and make her wear each of them, I wanted her to be in awe and to know her place, just so she knows what a privilege it was to marry me! Marry Agni Barhi the King of Jwalana


Why was she crying? would it be bad, so bad to marry him? why was her face soo sad? well this is what he wanted! Why the hell was he asking such ridiculous questions to himself! good that she was crying she deserved it!

She was supposed to be impressed and thankful, and if she was soo dense as to not understand the favour granted upon her she was mad!

I tightened my grip on her hand, afterall my new bride was a flight risk, established and averted, and took her towards the Mandap, where according to the customs of Jwalana they would give each other wedding vows, above the holy fire, making it as their witness

I could see that her head was still bowed, damnit if she was going to make it difficult for herself then let her!

"I will always respect my husband "

"I will always trust my wife's wisdom"

"I will love him, forsaking all other"

"I will love my wife, and there would be no other woman for me"

"I will always think about him, before myself"

"I will always think of her before anybody else , as my love for her will increase day by day"

"My wife will have equal rights in my life and she will be my queen, Queen of Jwalana, My Ardhangini"

People were chanting blessings on them, and showered them with flowers as they said their vows ,and this was how Jwala and Agni married each other .

After the wedding I again held Jwala's hand, and crossed the backyard to sit on our destined seats, as the King and Queen of Jwalana.

The festivities were in full swing, people were dancing and singing, there was food and wine making rounds, everybody was happy, except one person

"Smile! you look as if someone has sentenced you to death! " I said through gritted teeth, this girl was driving him crazy. He could not ignore her sullen face anymore!

"Have you not?" She asked, sarcasm and sadness dripping in her tone, but her eyes still breathed fire

"My Maharani! Smile!" I said, squeezing her hand ones more!


I bared all my teeth towards him

"This look like a snarl, rather than a smile! " he said, amused

"That is just your effect , it seems Maharaj! " I replied

"Time for the dance of our Maharaj and Maharani" someone hollered from the crowd

Great now I will also have to dance with him! I was already holding myself by a thread, I did not want his filthy hands on my person!

He took my hand in his, as they went towards the crowd, they parted way for them, making a circle around them.

We looked at each other, for the first time, after the wedding

He was beautiful , stop it Jwala, the man has given very high opinions on you! He is nothing but a vile creature, who needs to be taught a lesson.

He held me by my waist, I flinch at his touch, dammit!

His touch was warm on her bare waist, it made me uncomfortable, though not creeped.

What, what have I done to deserve this!? This demonically, horifically cruel man, how dare he touch me like this! I loathed him

However it seemed that people were unaware of the tension between them, as they were happily chanting and hollering at them.

However it seemed two people were unhappy more than Jwala and Agni, they were Sambit and Neela

Sambit who was already on his seventh glass of wine and Neela who had attended , but had not stayed for the entire wedding.

As they finished their dance, people clapped for them. Her mother seemed most pleased with the turn of events, it seemed getting a Maharaj as the son-in-law had put her in a perpetual jolly mood, she was herself enjoying the feast tremendously, while graciously accepts people's well wishes for the happy couple.


She flinched! She flinched at my touch as if it would scald her

"My Maharani" I said mockingly beside Jwala "It seems your mother is very happy with the match, show some enthusiasm, afterall you are married to Maharaj of Jwalana!" Pulling her closer to me, she was my wife afterall! Her skin felt soft under my touch, her hands flew to my shoulders for support, due to the sudden jerk, but her eyes still held defiance

"Enthusiasm for what Maharaj? being corerced into this marriage or having to deal with you?" She said, looking right into my eyes


"It seems you have forgotten to invite us brother! " There was a commotion at the entrance of the backyard, as three very handsome and very beautiful people stood there.


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