Chapter 15

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TW - swearing
CW - fluff


We walked towards the front door, both of us very nervous.
"Is he homophobic?" I asked, looking up at Dream who had gone pale.
"I don't know, he used to be one of those super popular dickheads though, so maybe," Dream responded, reaching out for the shiny door handle. I sucked in a sharp breath as we stepped over the threshold and inside Dream's house.

Voices could be heard from the kitchen, happy voices it seemed. I could hear Drista shouting about something and I guessed that someone was cooking because the whole house smelled of some kind of pie. I assumed is was Mrs Taken's amazing cooking. The rather short, kind hearted blonde woman had god tier cooking skills.

Another voice inserted itself into the mix, a much deeper voice. It could only be the voice of Dream's dad. I could see that Dream was on the edge of hyperventilating as we approached so very carefully, I slipped my hand into his, squeezing it reassuringly.

In the car I'd decided something very important. I was going to treat Dream like a real soulmate. Until I had to leave I was going to be happy with him. But of course, I would mention all of this to Dream after we'd met his possible homophobic dad.

We walked into the kitchen and Drista saw us first, immediately jumping to her feet to hug us.
"GEORGE! GUESS WHAT! MY TEACHER THREW A TEXTBOOK ACROSS THE CLASSROOM TODAY BECAUSE I DREW A PENIS IN IT!" She yelled excitedly causing me and Dream to laugh whilst Mrs Taken scolded her daughter, clearly not actually mad.

Dream's dad gave Drista a disapproving glance.
"Dris, that's inappropriate," He said, frowning at the blonde girl who just rolled her eyes at him. Mr Taken then turned to Dream and pulled him into a very awkward hug. As they hugged, I took in Dream's dad. Unlike the rest of his family, he had mousy brown hair instead of dirty blond but his eyes were the same colour as Dream's.

They pulled out of the hug and Mr Taken turned to me,
"Who's this?" He asked, pointing rather rudely at me. Dream frowned and moved back to my side.
"Dad, this is George... my..." He drifted off and I could tell that he was too nervous to actually say the word soulmate, so I stepped in for him.
"I'm George, Dream's soulmate," I smiled and held out my hand for Mr Taken to shake.

He did not however, accept my greeting. He pulled a slightly disgusted face and stepped backwards.
"You're soulmate is a boy? It's platonic right?" He asked, horror filling his voice. Dream slowly shook his head, slipping his hand into mine. Mr Taken stepped forward, his face full of anger.

"Andrew," Mrs Taken said warningly, putting her hand out to stop him and giving Dream and I an apologetic smile. "Boys, why don't you head upstairs whilst I chat with Dream's dad here. Drista, honey, go watch a movie or something okay?" She directed us gently out of the room, closing the door behind us.

Drifts shrugged and headed to her bedroom. That's when the yelling started.
"HE'S FUCKING GAY?" Mr Taken's voice rang loud and clear through the house, making Dream flinch. I carefully tugged on Dream's hand and lead him up to his bedroom. Once we were inside I booted up Minecraft on his ps4, guiding Dream into a sitting position.
"Dream?" I whispered, sitting next to him. He looked at me, he looked very shaken up.

"This might not be the best time to tell you this, but I want to be real soulmates. It hurts too much, acting like I'm not falling for you. I want to be a good soulmate to you until I have to go. I want to make you happy even just for a little while," My voice shook slightly as I spoke and I avoided all eye contact with Dream. After a moment I felt Dream's arms wrap around me.
"Thank you Georgie," He mumbled, burying his head in my shoulder.

"Does this mean I can take you out on a real date?" He asked after a moment, making me laugh slightly.
"Yes," I breathed, feeling butterflies fill my stomach and a smile spread across my face.
"Do you want to go and see a movie tomorrow?" Dream sounded excited as he pulled out of the hug and turned to face me properly, crossing his legs. I nodded smiling and Dream's face lit up even more, "Awesome! I bet you've already seen all of the romance movies cause y'know, you're Cupid. So we can go and see a horror or something!"

I honestly didn't like the sound of a horror movie but there was no way I could say no to Dream when he was this excited.
"Minecraft?" I asked, tossing him a remote as he nodded.
"Gaymer cuddles?" He questioned, holding out his arms. I rolled my eyes, smiling and got comfortable beside him, my head on his chest, his arm around my shoulders. We loaded up a new world and began to play, both of us unable to keep the smiles off of our faces.


There was a knock on the door.

We'd been playing Minecraft for almost three hours. So far, all we'd achieved was a 'love shack' as Dream called it, which was really just a small dirt house. We did have a heap of OP stuff though. We both looked up at the door, ceasing our lighthearted argument about the beds being next to each other.

"Come in," Dream called tentatively. I took his hand, squeezing it reassuringly as the door opened to reveal Dream's dad. He sucked in a breath when he saw how close we were sitting but after a moment he moved into the room.
"Dream, I just wanted to apologise for how I acted earlier," He said, making Dream roll his eyes.
"It's not just me you should be apologising to," Dream spat, glaring at his dad.

'I'm sorry George," Mr Taken mumbled, seemingly not pleased with having to directly address me. "Listen, son, I'm not going to act like I understand your attraction to other men but I'm going to try and support you," He turned back to Dream, clearly wanting to ignore my existence, which was fine by me.

Dream nodded slowly, "Thank you dad. I think," He replied, looking slightly upset. Mr Taken nodded and without another word, he left the room. Dream looked down,
"Hey, it's okay, he'll come around properly," I whispered, rubbing his back comfortingly. Dream shook his head, his blond hair swaying as he did.

"I don't care about that. I care that he was rude to you Georgie," Dream looked up at me and I immediately pulled him into a hug.
"I've dealt with worse, it's okay," I mumbled, "Let's not think about him anymore, okay? Let's focus on our date and on this stupid Minecraft house," I said, making Dream smile.

"It's not stupid, the love shack is very sophisticated," Dream assured me, grabbing his remote and hitting my character in game. I laughed and returned the hit.
"Okay idiot, whatever you say,"

I felt a strange feeling that night. Hope. Maybe, just maybe, as long as I had Dream, we would be okay.

Word count - 1229

A/N -

Have an amazing day/night!
You are all awesome and valid <3!

Thanks for reading!

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