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Mew leave me, leave me don't you dare do anything, mew listen to me.......

Mew - keep quiet princess and enjoy.

Gulf - mew I will say this last time if you do anything to me without my permission I am going to hate you forever.

Win - leave him phi.

Bright - win is right maybe we should tell him everything.

Gulf - what everything.

Mew - ok and mew got off gulf and helped him also to sit properly.

Win - we want you to listen to us princess then only react.

Gulf - hm

Win - ages ago there was to a kingdom of wolves like in ancient times there were kings and kingdoms of them they were humans and wolves too.

Bright - there was one big kingdom named sun moon kingdom the king was powerful and merciless and the queen was the opposite she was sweet calm and caring .....

Win - when the king and queen got married they went to the royal astrologer he told them they will have 4 kids two will be like King and one will be just like queen the other kid will a mixture of queen and king, out of 4 three of there kids will be alphas and one omega and the omega kid will the new queen after the mother and the alpha siblings will share the omega kid as there queen, mate and wife.

Bright - they also told the first child will be blessed by our moon goddess with and will be really powerful the second born will be really smart and intelligent the third child will be fast and his calmness is his weapon.

Gulf - what does it mean

Win - it means the third child's powers power is his strength and tolerance and the last kid the future queen will be blessed with goodness beauty the last child will have the beauty of the goddess itself and will be extremely powerful smart and passionate.

Gulf - ohkk

Bright - after the last child was born the king declared the alpha kids as their new kings and the omega kid as the new queen, the kids will become kings when the omega reaches the age of 18 and got mated by these alphas.

Win - the kids were 7, 5, 3, and 1 one year old when there was a sudden attack in that attack the people who attacked kidnapped the youngest child and threw him somewhere the news was spread all around but everyone knew the was alive.

Gulf - how did everyone know the youngest child was still alive he said and sat on wins lap

Win - smiled

Bright - if the mate of an alpha dies then the alpha to dies it means if they would have killed the omega the other kids would have also died

Gulf - ohk

Win - from that day the king the other kids started searing for the kid but unfortunately the king and queen to died in an accident.

Gulf hugged win more after hearing about the death of the queen and king which everyone noticed.

Win - what happened baby.

Gulf - I just pity the three kids lost their siblings and then parents I know how it feels to grow up without siblings.

Everyone went silent hearing gulf.

Bright - should we continue baby

Gulf - nodded cuddling win more.

Bright - as soon as the king passed away the alpha siblings were declared as temporary kings but they needed to find their mate or luna to be kings.

Win - the siblings called a magician to help them it took all of their powers including the magician to help the kings.

Bright - but they made a special pendant which will glow when they find their queen plus wolves can smell their mates too.

Gulf - did the siblings find their queen

Mew - smiled yes they did but the Queen is very bratty and suborn

Gulf - he must be like me.

Mew - ya exactly like you.

Win - stop it phi don't tease him.

Mew - what I am telling the trust the queen is bratty, rude shouts a lot.

Bright -shut up you too.

Gulf - I have a question

Win - yes baby what is it.

Gulf - what is alpha luna omega and mate.

Win - how can I forget you forget it, wolves are categorized in three levels alphas are leaders or king they are the strongest, beta comes after them they are the second hand of the alpha and do all the educational work like taking care of accounts and other stuff and omega are house makers they breed kids take care of alpha and their kids, do cooking and cleaning.

Bright - this is what they mean but like things gave changed a lot everyone is equal so it doesn't matter if you are an alpha or beta it's an omega.

Win-mate is like when you get married they are destined to live and no one can change it kind they are like soulmates.

Gulf - oh I get it.

Bright - the wolves world is a different place where wolves live they live like normal people eat normal food but can turn into wolves too there are many grounds forests for them to run freely.

Gulf - I have one more question

Bright - we will answer it first tell us why did you come back we know you try to run but why did you come back.

Gulf - ah about that I thought I can finally run but when I saw the forest some sounds of animals was coming which scared me and I decided to come back its better to live here than being eaten by wild animals.

Win - good choice but it would have been better if you came back a little early.

Mew - what was your question gulf.

Bright - gulf babes can you sit on my lap too.

Gulf shifted to brights lap.....

Gulf - why did tell me this story.

Mew - we told you this because you are the omega kid.

Oh my lets see what will baby gulf reaction will be....

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