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Gulf - who will I flirt with mew.

Mew - good then he sat back on his chair.

Bright - baby how about we have a movie marathon tomorrow, what say we both can cuddle the entire day watching movies and eat.

Gulf - good idea bright I am also tired of wearing jeans every day.

Bright - are you planning to be naked? Raised eyebrows.

Gulf - what no, you are such a pervert I was planning we wear normal pyjamas.

Win - I will join too.

Mew - me three.

Bright - but I wanted a personal movie night with my baby.

Mew - our baby remember bright...

Bright just rolled his eyes he knew mew is right...

The day went by like that, and they went to sleep now gulf had his room for a while,  till he is not comfortable with the brothers.

Next day -

Gulf was in dark blue pyjamas with a matching shirt bright win and new were also in their home clothes they immediately joined their baby they keep the food in front of them.....

Mew - baby na come and sit on my lap na, you never sit with me.

Win - no why with you, babysit on my lap na.

Gulf - guys I am a grown-up man I can sit alone, but his protest was useless bright pulled him up on his lap...

Bright - now be quiet...

Gulf was on brights lap cuddling on his chest taking the warmth, while brights hands were on his waist rubbing his back gently and mew and win just watched the movie quietly.

Suddenly gulf tells bright to release him.

Bright - what happened baby?

Gulf - hm I want to use the restroom you guys continue it will take some time

Win - do you want me to wait for you.

Gulf - no no just continue I will be back in a while he said, gulf got up and looked at the brothers who were watching the movie with all concentration didn't notice gulf starting at them.

He packed everything he will need, and walked out by the back door, he knew today no one will be there...

He ran towards the car standing outside and told them to rush it's his chance to escape...

Gulf you scared us where do you want to go now.

Gulf - let's go to the resort I will pay for everyone then we can decide there what to do.

Are you sure someone asked

Gulf - yes and drive fast.

Gulf dumped his sim outside so that no one can track him...

Gulf - I am sorry mew, win and bright but I can't live with you, I can't accept the fact you guys are my brothers or mates I never wanted brother nor will every need I have type and tine they are my family that's all, sorry I broke your trust and about mates that's even worst I don't need any partner for now...

Back to the mansion -

Bright - guys it's been more than an hour where is gulf.

Win - ohh I didn't realise the time too maybe he slept in the bathroom haha.

Mew - don't laugh win we should go and check up on him there are no maids at home too maybe he got in some trouble.

The brothers went inside their room only to find there is no one in the bathroom, they rushed to check the kitchen, swimming pool and other area after half an hour they didn't find gulf...

Win - guys I don't want think negative but I think he ran away.

Bright - raised his eyebrows why do you think so.

Mew - his stuff is missing there is not even a single cloth left of him and his shoes to I guess win is right he ran away.

Bright - again?

Mew- ya he grinded his teeth.

Win - let's find him and this time I won't leave him.

Mew- oh brother we are mating with him as soon as we find him, he is dead meat.

Bright - but how do find him...

Gulf ---

The three guys were driving until one of them spoke.

Tine - I am hungry bitches.

Type  - me too, let's stop here for a while.

Gold nodded and they got down...

Tine - let's race gulf who reach first will get a free meal.

Gulf smiled and they started running while type just watched them amused how can two guys 18 years old be so childish but that's what he loved about them he was a quiet kid with no friends until gulf and tine came after that he never got peace again his mom was happy for him too...

Type - wait for me guys...

The three kept running like kids to win the free meal.

They started talking chatting gulf hitting both the guys for messing with his Instagram account other two were unbothered with gulf they all ate from each others plate...

Gulf - let me put it back and pay do you guys need something else to my treat.

Tine raised his hand but gulf ignored him and kept walking fine decided to follow gulf to get his revenge but he bumped into someone...

Are you ok, mate the person spoke??

Tine - ya buddy I am ok, I am sorry I didn't pay attention.

The person gave tine a hand and hugged him tightly.

Tine panicked and shouted for gulf within seconds gulf ran to tine for help and freed him from the person.

The person looked at gulf and was equally shocked to see him.

Luna queen what are you doing here where are the kings?

Tine - who is luna, what kings and why did you hug me? Do you know my friend here?

Gulf was shocked to hear the person call him luna he knew one thing for sure he is screwed.

Please comment your thoughts and I am extremely sorry I don't reply to your comments...... I will try to finish this story as soon as possible

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