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Gulf escaped from his kidnappers but he didn't know where he was he ran towards the forest to find help and to get out.....

In the house -

Bright - he must be angry with us.

Win - I made him his favorite food so I will be good to go.

Mew- I got a new smartphone for him so I am also good to go.

Bright - ahh you bitches what should I give him he will ignore me for sure if I got without anything.

Win - that's your problem, let's go I can't wait to see my wife.

Bright - our future wife dear brother.

Win - yeah whatever he most probably won't marry you, after you ignored him and now you didn't even get him a gift.

Mew - stop fighting let's go our mate must be hungry.

Mew win and bright opened the door to see the window was open and there was a long bed sheet used to escape their eyes turned red ( red was for fear and anger)

Mew - tell the security we need to find him.

Bright - oh my God let's go we need to find him.

Mew- that brat how dare he run away when I find him I am going to teach him manners.

Win - be calm you know how dangerous it is outside let's find him first.

The three brothers ran inside the forest to find their mate.

With gulf -

I ran inside but I don't know where I am I don't know the place it's already dark which is scaring me what if there are wild animals here and they kill me uhh shit no, gulf you are a topper you got 98percent in your high school you have to figure something out.

Mew, win and bright -

We ran inside the forest this is dangerous for gulf there are wolves more like hungry wolves we need to find him as soon

Mew - ( why can't he understands he has to stay with us there is nothing he can do I swear to God once I find him I am making  him pregnant so that next time he can't run from us )

Win -( gulf baby where we're you baby you don't know what you did how dangerous it can get, maybe phi mew is right you need a little discipline ).

Bright - ( that brat ran away moon goddess please protect out mate please don't let anything harm him if we find our kitten I promise to keep my first child's name after you )

Mew win and bright kept searching for gulf for hours but they found nothing, it was already very late they decided to get help from their friends so they returned home ).

Mews pov -

It is already 3 am we are searching for him from the past 6 hours and we found nothing, not even his scent maybe it's our fault we should have told gulf everything, I was just scared how he is going to react to what the truth is..... He is nothing like what we used to know the last time I saw him he was quiet, fragile and calm now he is hot tempted he had walls around him and I don't blame him it's all our fault he suffered because of us and now we lost him again.

Win - we won't lose him again phi don't worry.

Win told me I know I am just scared.

We got inside out house and I was surprised to see gulf he was sitting on the sofa watching tv with popcorn in his hand.

It's enough.....

No one's pov -

Mew win and bright entered their house they saw gulf sitting in their living room eating popcorn and chilling.

Bright- what are you doing here.

Gulf - what do you mean, you guys kidnapped me and you are asking me what I am doing here.

Win - gulf please we are losing patience tell us why did you run away and if you were running how are you here.

Gulf - ohh I decided to run but it was dark and I got a little scared soo I came back but climbing back is really difficult so I just used the main door.

Mew - do you think it is funny gulf.

Gulf - no I don't but......

It was enough mew started dragging gulf back to his room where he escaped from gulf was shouting but mew was much stronger for gulf to stop.

Gulf - stop it mew let me go I am not scared of you to let me go, leave me.

Mew - be quite

Gulf - no I will scream and there is nothing you can do,  leave me.

Win- be quiet gulf he said in a dominating voice which scared him more than mew who was dragging him to their room.

Finally, after a few more seconds, they reached into their room and gulf held the door tightly to stop them but I didn't work win grabbed his hand and threw him on their bed.

Win - be a quiet princess we are already very mad and just answer what we ask you am I clear.

Gulf just nodded.

Win - good now answer phi mew nicely.

Gulf nodded again

Mew - why did you run away.

Gulf - my choice

It was enough for mew he pushed gulf on the bed, now you know the consequence to disrespect a beast saying mew kissed gulf, gulf tried hard to keep his mouth shut but mew grabbed gulfs ass tightly to make him open his mouth, mew kissed gulf till he almost fainted he hit mew hard to make him stop.

Gulf - ah stop breathing heavily it... I will answer you nicely......

Mew - no princess pinned gulf hands down I won't stop today you have tested me enough.

God, what will happen next...

I have my board paper the day after tomorrow I and I am updating here, rip my grades just kidding.......

Please comment for the next chapter.....

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