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Gulf - they both are my babe's type and tine both, I was just thinking how those bitches are they must be having fun with the chicks without me he pouted.

Bright - babes?

Win - chicks?

Mew - you guys own a pottery farm or what?? In mews imagination gulf was with two so-called guys and playing with chickens and chicks their babies....that's weird.

Gulf couldn't help but laugh at mews imagination, ahhhhhh hahahhahaha no mew what the fuck are you thinking hhahah seriously it's not what you think, obviously you guys don't know we call chicks to girls like that chick is so hot means that girl is so hot.

Win - why not call them girls them in an annoyed voice.

Gulf - I don't know it works like that only but seriously you guys are funny.

Mew - but gulf before we go ahead I have something to tell you I dated a guy before I met you I know what I did was wrong you have all the rights to be mad I am really sorry.

Bright - baby phi is really sorry we were really losing our hopes to find you and when we were not able to we tried to find a distraction, gulfs eyes were fixed on the laptop it seemed he was really sad about it.

Mew - I am sorry baby I didn't mean to but baby...

Gulf - ahhhhhhh he screamed.

Win - baby you look too shocked.

Gulf - see this what those fuckers did to my account...

Gulfs Instagram bio.

Username - Gulfgulfie.....
Call me gulfie
I am most probably dead
Ps - but I died with my favourite people in my heart my best friends tinytine, typetypo I will always love you guys

And ladies please text my friends because I am dead...and if you want to pay for my funeral please contact the contacts given above.

Gulf - I am going to kill them how dare they...

Mew - so?

Gulf - so?

Mew - I mean what will happen even if they changed it...

Gulf - have you heard about Instagram he was already annoyed.

Mew - it's an app.

Gulf - ya we it's like to show the world what we do, we can talk to people, show them our daily lifestyle or if we visit somewhere.

Mew - can I make an id too

Gulf - sure, you make an id till then I will change mine these fuckers.

Bright and win - teach us too

Gulf taught them how to make an id on Instagram how to post and what all they need to do the boys got their laptops too and started working.

Username - Brightsuppisit
Bright as sun

💍 gulfiegulf
Don't text me until you have a death wish.

Username - winsuppisit
Food 🍭
Wife - gulfiegulf
Don't text me because I won't reply
Happy wife happy life 😂😂

Username - suppisitmew
PhD scholar
Just want to check what my wife does
Music life
Gulfiegulf love you baby
Don't contact my wife if you don't want to die.

Gulf was busy texting cursing messages to his friends to mess with him until he got three more follow requests it was the three guys he just taught, what gulf was now their wife he will be surely killed if someone saw their id.

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